EveryTreeSF Street Tree Census
The City of San Francisco has completed the first citywide street tree census. EveryTreeSF is a collaborative effort among San Francisco Planning, San Francisco Public Works, Friends of the Urban Forest, and tree inventory specialists ArborPro. The need for a census was identified in the Urban Forest Plan (Phase 1: Street Trees) a citywide strategy to improve the sustainability of the City’s urban forest.
Do you know how many street trees there are in San Francisco?
Beginning in January 2016, a team of certified arborists began mapping and recording every street tree in the City. Upon completion in January 2017, the census identified the exact location, species and current condition of every tree, in addition to identifying potential vacant sites for future plantings.
The final results have revealed 124,795 street trees, over 20,000 more than previous estimates including 500 different species.
Approximately 40,000 potential planting locations were recognized, providing tremendous opportunity to grow the City’s urban forest. Data shows that the current number of street trees sequesters over 19 million pounds of carbon dioxide and filters more than 100 million gallons of stormwater every year.
How will the data on the City’s street trees be used?
The Street Tree Census data is being used by San Francisco Public Works’ Bureau of Urban Forestry to carry out citywide tree maintenance and planting activities as part of the StreetTreeSF Program.
EveryTreeSF Contest winner
Congratulations to Chloe, the winner of the Guess How Many Trees Contest! Her guess was the closest to the final Street Tree Census total (124,795 trees). Her Grand Prize - a Cathedral Oak street tree planted in her name on Arbor Day 2017.
For additional information on the EveryTreeSF, please contact:
Jon Swae
Principal Analyst
Bureau of Urban Forestry
San Francisco Public Works
(415) 695-2146