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Historic Preservation Commission
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Historic Preservation Commission
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Public Comment
Members of the public can attend the hearing in-person at City Hall. Per our Privacy Policy, personal information that is provided in communications to the Planning Department is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance.
Recorded video and audio of hearings are available here. For hearing agendas, minutes and supporting material before 2019, please visit this site.
Hearings are held on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 12:30pm* on SFGovTV and re-broadcast per SFGovTV program scheduling.
* Subject to change, see agenda for details.
About the Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission was established in 2008 by Charter Section 4.135 and is a seven-member body advises the Mayor, Board of Supervisors and City Departments on San Francisco historic preservation goals, policies and programs. All members are nominated by the Mayor and subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors. Members of the Historic Preservation Commission shall be persons specially qualified by reason of interest, competence, knowledge, training and experience in the historic, architectural, aesthetic, and cultural traditions of the City, interested in the preservation of its historic structures, sites and areas, and residents of the City.
The Commission recommends buildings and places that are historically or culturally significant to the heritage of San Francisco for designation by the Board of Supervisors. Once designated, the Commission helps regulate those resources during the permit review and entitlement process to protect our heritage while ensuring that preservation is used as a tool to promote growth, revitalization, and the appreciation of our diverse neighborhoods.
The Architectural Review Committee
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is a three-member sub-committee of the Historic Preservation Commission that provides guidance on certain design issues related to a historic resource.