Last Updated: 09/04/2019

Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program Monitoring and Procedures

The Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program ("Program") requires developers to sell or rent a certain percentage of units in new developments at a "below market rate" price that is affordable to Low-income, Median-income and Moderate-income Households. The Program is governed by San Francisco Planning Code Section 415 et seq., and is administered by the San Francisco Mayor's Office of Housing ("MOH"). Planning Code Section 415 requires that MOH and the San Francisco Planning Department publish a Procedures Manual containing procedures for monitoring and enforcement of the policies and procedures for implementation of the Program. This Monitoring and Procedures Manual ("Manual") contains information regarding the Program for potential buyers and renters of below market rate units (“BMR Units”), as well as for information for Projects Sponsors, owners and property managers of BMR Units developed under the Program. Updates to the Manual occur as needed.

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