Upcoming Hearings
Joint Hearing - Planning and Historic Preservation Commissions
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Public Comment
Members of the public can attend the hearing in-person at City Hall. Per our Privacy Policy, personal information that is provided in communications to the Planning Department is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance.
- SFGovTV recorded video, audio and caption notes of hearings are available here.
- Hearing agendas and minute archives dating back to 1998.
Hearings are held weekly on Thursdays at 12:00pm* on SFGovTV and re-broadcast per SFGovTV program scheduling.
* Subject to change, see agenda for details.
About the Commission
The Planning Commission was established in 1929 by Charter Section 4.105 and consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor and the President of the Board of Supervisors. The Commission holds weekly public hearings, maintains the San Francisco General Plan and approves all permits and licenses subject to the Planning Code. They also oversee and delegate certain approvals to the San Francisco Planning Department.
Members of the Planning Commission provide an invaluable service to the City: they advise the Mayor, Board of Supervisors and City Departments on San Francisco's long-range goals, policies and programs on a broad array of issues related to land use, transportation, and current planning.
Four of the seven Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, three are appointed by the President of the Board of Supervisors.