Parkmerced is a 152-acre site under single ownership in the southwestern part of the City. The existing site, developed between 1941 and 1951, contains 3,221 housing units in a combination of high-rise towers and two-story townhouses. The Parkmerced project was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 24, 2011
The project, which will be implemented over the course of three decades, includes comprehensive redesign, redevelopment and improvement of the site with new residential buildings, retail uses, parks, streets, and other amenities. The project has been approved and will be implemented through a Development Agreement between the City and the developer that establishes the obligations of both parties, as well as through Planning Code regulations and accompanying Plan documents that lay out the details for community infrastructure improvements, environmental programs, and other elements necessary to support the neighborhood.
Development Process & Phasing
Because Parkmerced is a long-term project over several phases and involving both the construction of new buildings and community improvements (including re-aligned streets and blocks and multi-phase public transportation improvements), the existing zoning rules are inadequate in addressing a project of this scope and in regulating and laying out the requirements for the development. Additionally, there are key issues in the project, such as rent-protections and relocation rights of existing tenants, that cannot logistically or legally be regulated simply through the Planning Code or Planning Commission conditions of approval. Therefore the Parkmerced development program will be implemented through a Development Agreement and the changes to the Planning Code that were made when the project was approved in 2011.
The Development Agreement, a legally-binding contract between the City and Developer, lays out all of the obligations of the Developer and the City. This document establishes the overall framework for the project and all of the public benefits negotiated by the City, in exchange for a guarantee of the right of the Developer to build the basic project in accordance with the Plan documents (see below) while the Agreement is in effect (generally 30 years). The Agreement includes protections for existing tenants and a Phasing Plan that lists all required community improvements and the triggers for requiring their construction or implementation. The Development Agreement will need to be approved by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors, and signed by the directors of other key agencies, including the SFMTA and SFPUC.
The Planning Code, through the creation of a Special Use District, establishes the core land use regulations for Parkmerced related to acceptable land uses, building height limits, bulk limits, setback requirements, open space for dwelling units, and parking. It also establishes the process for review and approval of specific building projects and land uses throughout the project's implementation. The Plan Documents, particularly the Design Standards and Guidelines, supplement the regulations included in the Special Use District.
Phase 1 – Development Summary
On June 3, 2015, the City approved Phase 1 of the Parkmerced project in accordance with the project’s Development Agreement, which requires the project sponsor to submit a Phase Application for approval by the Planning Director prior to the submittal of building permits for each phase of the project. Phase 1, which will be developed between 2016 and 2022, consists primarily of residential development on the western and southeastern portions of the project site. In addition, Phase 1 includes a number of Community Improvements and CEQA Mitigation Measures, as required by the approved Parkmerced Phasing Plan. For more information, please see the complete Phase 1 Application and amendment on the Supporting Info page.
Residential Development. Phase 1 includes construction of approximately 1,668 residential
dwelling units distributed among four subphases as follows
- Subphase A – Approximately 390 new units with no demolition. Of the 390 new units 56 units will be Replacement Units to replace units demolished in subphase C and D.
- Subphase B – Approximately 567 new units with the demolition of the existing parking garages, Garage No. 2 and Garage No. 1.
- Subphase C – Approximately, 333 new units with the demolition of a maintenance building and 10 units on existing block 37W and 28 units on existing block 34. Of the new 333 new units 66 will be Replacement Units to replace units demolished in Phase 2.
- Subphase D – Approximately, 378 new units with the demolition of 18 existing units on existing block 19. Of the 378 new units, 100 will be Replacement Units to replace units demolished in future Phase 2.
The Development Agreement permits the inclusionary housing requirements for the project to be satisfied by construction on-site, off-site, or payment of an in-lieu fee. Although the Development Agreement requires that the project applicant state its intended method of meeting the inclusionary housing requirements for each development phase in the Development Phase Application, in light of the significant obligation to provide rent controlled replacement units for all existing units on the project site, the agreement provides greater flexibility to the project sponsor in the timing of this choice as compared to the current San Francisco Planning Code; specifically, it permits this decision to be made at the time of the issuance of building permits for each residential building. If the on-site BMR Requirement of fifteen percent (15%) were to be applied to the 1,446 net new units in Phase 1, it would result in a requirement of approximately 220 BMR units. The project sponsor currently anticipates constructing one-third of the BMR units on-site and paying in-lieu fees to satisfy the remaining inclusionary housing requirement for net new units in Phase 1.
Non-Residential Summary. Phase 1 includes the following:
- Subphase A – Construction of a two-level, below-grade, approximately 159,680-sf parking garage (accommodating approximately 453 parked cars) on Block 06.
- Subphase B – Demolition of Garage No. 1 and Garage No. 2, which total approximately 222,000 sf (accommodating approximately 740 parked cars) and the construction of two two-level below-grade parking garages on Blocks 22 and 20 of approximately 133,099-sf (accommodating approximately 248 parked cars) and 133,691 sf (accommodating approximately 225 parked cars), respectively.
- Subphase C – Demolition of a 28,343-sf maintenance building and 37 existing parking spaces located on a surface lot. Construction of a two-level below grade parking garage on Block 03W that is approximately 219,512-sf (accommodating approximately 618 parked cars).
- Subphase D – Construction of approximately 3,500-sf ground floor active uses/retail that will be visible from and oriented towards the new neighborhood commons and a one level below grade parking garage of approximately 23,550 sf (accommodating approximately 66 parked cars) on Block 21S.
Annual Compliance Review
The Development Agreement requires the developer to submit annual compliance reports following the start of major construction. Although these reports are not yet required, Parkmerced has submitted voluntary annual reports since 2016.
- 2015 Annual Report (March 2016)
- 2015 Compliance Letter (April 2016)
- 2016 Annual Report (February 2017)
- 2016 Compliance Letter (June 2017)
- 2017 Annual Report (March 2018)
- 2018 Annual Report (July 2019)
- 2019 Annual Report (June 2020)
- 2019 Compliance Letter (August 2020)
- 2020 Annual Report (January 2021)
- 2020 Compliance Letter (March 2021)
- 2021 Annual Report (January 2022)
- 2021 Compliance Letter (April 2022)
- 2022 Annual Report (February 2023)
- 2022 Compliance Letter (September 2023)
- 2023 Annual Report (March 2024)
Plan Documents
- Vision Plan
- Design Standards and Guidelines
- Sustainability Plan
- Transportation Plan
- Infrastructure Report
- Development Agreement (as recorded)
Development Phase 1 Documents
- August 6, 2015: Phase 1 Overview, Application, and Approval
- August 26, 2019: Phase 1 Amendment
- August 27, 2019: Phase 1 Amendment - Planning Approval
- August 6, 2015: Phase 1 Overview
- August 6, 2015: Design Review Staff Report
- August 6, 2015: 300 Arballo Drive
- August 6, 2015: 99 Vidal Drive
- August 6, 2015: 455 Serrano Drive and 850 Gonzalez Drive
- August 6, 2015: 1188-1198 Junipero Serra Boulevard
- August 6, 2015: 21 and 25 Chumasero Drive
- December 14, 2022: Phase 1 Second Amendment
- March 29, 2023: Phase 1 Second Amendment - Planning Approval
- May 4, 2023: Phase 1D, Block 21S Design Review Application for 2014.1370PHA
- May 4, 2023: Phase 1C, Block 3W Design Review Application for 2014.1370PHA-02
- May 4, 2023: Phase 1C, Block 4 Design Review Application for 2014.1370PHA-03
- May 15, 2023: Phase 1C CIP for 2014.1370PHA Approval
- May 15, 2023: Phase 1D CIP for 2014.1370PHA Approval
Environmental Review
Case number 2008.0021E (10/28/10)
- Draft EIR Part 1
- Draft EIR Part 2
- Draft EIR Part 3
- Draft EIR Appendix A
- Draft EIR Appendix B1
- Draft EIR Appendix B2
- Draft EIR Appendix B3
- Draft EIR Appendix B4
- Draft EIR Appendix B5
- Draft EIR Appendix B6
- Draft EIR Appendix B7
- Draft EIR Appendix C
- Draft EIR Appendix D
- Comments and Responses Parts I-III
- Comments and Responses Part III Letter 54
- Comments and Responses Part III Letter 54 Continued
- Comments and Responses Part IV
- EIR Errata (Feb. 3, 2011)
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Other Documents
Development Agreement
Elizabeth Purl
General Questions
Ashley Lindsay
Gabriella Pantoja
Questions on Community Improvements (Streets, Parks)
Amnon Ben-Pazi
Project Sponsor
For the latest project updates and current activities, you may also see the project sponsor’s web page.