Project Status: Completed
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screen grab of proposed rendering

Jefferson Street Design

Status: completed

Jefferson Street is the "main street" of San Francisco's world famous Fisherman’s Wharf. Over 60,000 people a day walk along Jefferson Street on a typical summer weekend – but the sidewalks are narrow, or even absent in some stretches. Improving the pedestrian character of Fisherman’s Wharf begins with fixing Jefferson Street.

In 2010 the Planning Department worked closely with the community to develop a new vision for Jefferson Street as part of the Fisherman's Wharf Public Realm Plan. In 2011 funds were secured to rebuild the two blocks of the street from Hyde to Jones streets in anticipation of the America’s Cup events hosted by San Francisco in the summer of 2013. The Planning Department, in conjunction with DPW, the Port of San Francisco, SFMTA and ROMA Design, finalized the design in 2012. Construction began in January of 2013.