Enforcement - File a Complaint

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File a complaint about housing, building misuse, or other land use code violations.

How to File

For all complaints, we will request the following information from you:

  • Property address where the problem is taking place.
  • Your name and contact information (optional).
  • Description of the problem or concern and the type of Planning Code violation.
  • Documentation such as photographs, references to relevant permits or Planning approvals, and Planning Code sections.

Complaint records are public. Let us know if you want your complaint to remain anonymous. If you wish to remain anonymous, please do not include any identifying information in the complaint such as your relationship with the property.  


You can also use the City’s online 311 system to file a complaint.

We offer a fillable form for individuals who cannot file a complaint online.

What happens once I submit a complaint?

When we receive a complaint, we review each case to see if there’s a Planning Code violation and will assign it to an Enforcement Planner to investigate in the priority order:

  • The Department's highest priority are violations related to life, health, and safety.
  • The Enforcement Planner may be required to conduct a site visit to confirm a violation.
  • If we find evidence of a violation, a Notice of Violation is mailed to the responsible party, usually the property owner and may also include the leaseholder.
  • If the Notice of Violation is not appealed and the violation continues unabated, we may assess administrative penalties and take further enforcement action.

Track Your Complaint

You can search for complaints by entering the address or Enforcement case number at the SF Property Information Map and selecting the "Complaints" tab.

You can contact us about your complaint case after an Enforcement Planner has been assigned. Our Code Enforcement Team receives many complaints, so there may be a delay in reviewing your complaint and assigning this for investigation.

Complaint records are public, and you can remain anonymous.