Adjacent Parcels Rezoning and Western SoMa Cleanup
Status: Completed
Suggested amendments to the General Plan and zoning maps.
Staff will request the Planning Commission consider approving Resolutions to Adopt Amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Maps to implement the rezoning of orphaned parcels adjacent to the Western SoMa Plan Area (see Maps tabe), correct the zoning and heights of several parcels within the Western SoMa Plan Area, and amend the boundaries of the East SoMa, Western SoMa, and Market and Octavia Plan Areas to include the “Adjacent Parcels.”
Initial presentation on October 3, 2013. Continued to October 10, 2013, Planning Commission Chambers, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 400, San Francisco.
- Presentation to Commission - October 10, 2013
- Case No. 2013.0617MZ Planning Commission Adoption Packet - October 3, 2013
July 18, 2013
On July 18, 2013, the Planning Commission initiated amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Maps to implement the rezoning of orphaned parcels adjacent to the Western SoMa Plan Area, correct the zoning and heights of several parcels within the Western SoMa Plan Area, and amend the boundaries of the East SoMa, Western SoMa, and Market and Octavia Plan Areas to include the “Adjacent Parcels.”
- Case No. 2013.0617MZ Planning Commission Initiation Packet - July 18, 2013
Existing Plan Area Boundaries
Proposed Plan Area Boundaries
Existing Zoning - Adjacent Parcels
Proposed Zoning - Adjacent Parcels
Existing Zoning - Jessie Street
Proposed Zoning - Jessie Street
Existing Zoning - Western SoMa
Proposed Zoning - Western SoMa
Existing Heights - Western SoMa
Proposed Heights - Western SoMa
Existing Van Ness & Market SUD
Existing Van Ness & Market SUD - Detail
Proposed Van Ness & Market SUD - Detail