Nob Hill, Russian Hill

Polk Streetscape Design

Project status: completed

The Polk Streetscape Design project will build on the Polk Street Improvement Project led by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to create a complete street design for Polk Street from McAllister Street to Union Street.

The SF Planning Department, SFMTA, and the Department of Public Works presented the Polk Street Complete Street Design at an open house on March 26th.

In July, the SFMTA presented a preferred alternative for the roadway design for Polk Street. The next phase of the project is the development of a streetscape design. The goal of this phase is to develop a streetscape design that creates a thriving and active corridor, enhances the pedestrian experience, compliments bicycle and transit mobility, and supports commercial activity.

This project is an interagency effort of the San Francisco Planning Department, the San Francisco Department of Public Works, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

In 2011, San Francisco voters passed the Road Repaving and Streets Safety Bond. Funds from this bond have been allocated toward the planning and construction of Polk Street from McAllister to Union.

Study Area

Polk Streetscape Map Inset

The Polk Streetscape project includes the length of Polk Street from McAllister Street to Union Street. Click here to download a map of the proposed study area.



Polk Street Complete Street Design

Before and After: hover over each image to view the "after" rendering.

Before and after rendering of Fern and Polk Streets Before and after rendering of Frank Norris Street

Before and after rendering of Green and Polk Streets Before and after rendering of GreenStreet West of Polk
Renderings are for illustrative conceptual purposes only. They are not representative of actual detailed design materials or locations.


Polk Complete Street Design Project Timeline
September 2012 - July 2013 Develop Roadway Design
July 2013 - December 2013
Develop Streetscape Design
2014-2016 Develop Detailed Complete Street Design; Environmental Review; Legislation & Approvals
Summer 2016 - Winter 2018 Construction 


None scheduled at this time.

Public Open House (March 26, 2014) - Boards

Download Materials

General Documents

Working Group Session 1 Materials (September 17, 2013)

Working Group Session 2 Materials (October 22, 2013)

Related Links

Interactive Map

Use the ( + ) and ( - ) buttons to control zoom. Click on the map items for an in-depth look at what public realm and bicycle improvements are part of the Polk Street Complete Street Design.

Click here to view full-sized map in a new window.