Last Updated: 04/19/2024

General Advertising Sign Map

The Planning Department has created an interactive map that indicates the approximate locations and displays photos of general advertising signs in San Francisco. The map is available for public use and is provided as a tool to help identify general advertising signs throughout the City.

Pursuant to Planning Code Section 602, a general advertising sign is defined as "a sign, legally erected prior to the effective date of Section 611 of this Code, which directs attention to a business, commodity, industry or other activity which is sold, offered or conducted elsewhere than on the premises upon which sign is located, or to which it is affixed, and which is sold, offered or conducted on such premises only incidentally if at all".

Please note that the inclusion of a sign in the map does not reflect any determination of the current legal status or compliance under the Planning Code or any other applicable laws or ordinances.

Navigate to the approximate location of the sign you wish to view. Click on any sign marker to view a photo of the sign.

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