San Francisco Planning is committed to meaningful and authentic outreach and engagement that helps build trust, establish relationships, and will result in plans and projects that are driven by and beneficial to its communities.

Our guiding principles in all our work with the community are:

  • Inclusivity: We identify and involve all affected community members,  including under-represented individuals and groups.

  • Accessibility: We actively remove barriers to participation and ensure our information, processes, and outreach efforts are accessible to all members of the community.

  • Transparency: We conduct a clear, honest, and open public process. Members of the community are aware of their level of involvement in decisions that affect them.  

  • Clarity: We communicate clearly and concisely with the community. We use plain language while balancing the need to be precise with technical and complex information.  

  • Respect: We foster authentic, civil dialogue and appreciate diverse views. 

  • Meaningful: We engage the community in a way that is genuine, appropriate, practical, and well-planned to achieve the goal.  

  • Accountability: We communicate the results of the process to those involved and fulfill our commitments. 

All outreach and engagement activities are inclusive and proactive, engaging all San Francisco communities, particularly communities of color and other historically marginalized groups.

Community Development and Engagement Projects

Our Community Development and Engagement projects focus on establishing and deepening relationships, identifying priorities and addressing concerns, and working in collaboration with communities of color to deliver solutions that create positive impact and opportunities.

San Francisco Equity Council

The Equity Council is a group of community leaders dedicated to addressing racial and social equity. Through thoughtful and collaborative deliberations, they are advising City staff on strategic policies, strategies and investments, and elevating the voices of our diverse communities in City decisions.

Tenderloin Community Action Plan

The Tenderloin Community Action Plan is a neighborhood-driven collaboration between residents, community organizations, businesses, and City agencies to identify current needs for the neighborhood’s diverse culture and population and develop a collective vision for Tenderloin’s future.

Child and Youth Engagement Strategy

The Child and Youth Engagement Strategy aims to bring more youth voices, especially those who identify as American Indian, Black, or other youth of color, into San Francisco Planning’s conversations to plan for an inclusive and sustainable city.

Mission Action Plan 2020 (MAP2020)

MAP2020 is a community-initiated effort and collaborative process between community advocates, long-time neighborhood activists, the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, and City staff to identify potential solutions for the residents, arts organizations, nonprofits, and businesses being displaced by the rapid changes in the Mission.

Sunset Forward

Sunset Forward is a community-led planning effort that aims to stabilize low- and moderate-income families and seniors in the Sunset, enhancing community connection and quality of life for all by addressing unmet needs in housing, transportation, and neighborhood services.