542-550 Howard Street2016-013312ENV
General Plan, Community Plan and Infill Evaluations
Alesia Hsiaoalesia.hsiao@sfgov.org
375 32nd Avenue / 3132 Clement Street2019-001013ENV
Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
262 7th Street2014.0334ENV
General Plan, Community Plan and Infill Evaluations
Alesia Hsiaoalesia.hsiao@sfgov.org
400-444 Divisadero Street2015-007816ENV
Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
Project-Level Review of Sharrows. Bicycle Racks on Sidewalks, and On-Street Bicycle Parking (Bicycle Corrals)2007.0347E 2007.0347ENV-15
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative DeclarationsAddendum to San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR – 5th Street Improvement Project Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR Modified Long Term Improvement L-8 Golden Gate Avenue Bike Lanes and Road Diet – Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR Second Street Improvement Project – Addendum to the SEIR Second Street Improvement Project – Notice of Availability of a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Supplement to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan EIR Second Street Improvement Project – Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Supplement to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan EIR Second Street Improvement Project – Draft SEIR Appendices Second Street Improvement Project – Responses to Comments Great Highway and Point Lobos Avenue Bicycle Lanes Great Highway and Point Lobos Avenue Bicycle Lanes – Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR Great Highway and Point Lobos Avenue Bicycle Lanes – Addendum for Revised Modified Project Bayshore Boulevard Bicycle Lanes, Cesar Chavez Street to Silver Avenue, Modified Option 2 Bayshore Boulevard Bicycle Lanes, Cesar Chavez Street to Silver Avenue, Modified Option 2 – Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 1 San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 2 San Francisco Bicycle Plan ̶ Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 3 San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendix A San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendix B San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendix B (cont'd) San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendices C-F
Ryan Shumryan.shum@sfgov.org
598 Brannan Street2012.0640E
Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Linda Ajello-Hoaglandlinda.ajellohoagland@sfgov.org
Central Subway1996.281E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Christopher Espirituchristopher.espiritu@sfgov.org
Seawall Lot 3302019-002440ENV
Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Rachel Alonso (SFDPW)rachel.alonso@sfgov.org
953-955 Folsom Street2016-005596ENV
General Plan, Community Plan and Infill Evaluations
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
655 Fourth Street2014-000203ENV
General Plan, Community Plan and Infill Evaluations
Elizabeth Whiteelizabeth.white@sfgov.org