Community Meeting

Railyards Working Group

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

5:30pm to 6:30pm
Online Meeting - see Agenda for details
Join Zoom Meeting
  • Meeting ID: 824 6229 2117
  • Passcode: 131134


  1. Welcome and settling-in (5 min)
  2. Check-in: agenda and updates (5 min)
    • Community updates
    • Neighborhood projects/ efforts
  3. PBC Caltrain efforts: update (10 min)
    • Informational item, clarifying questions from the group are welcome.
  4. Neighborhood Mapping + Potential Opportunities (20 min)
    • Presentation
    • Guiding questions for group discussion: Are the key public realm opportunities for the Railyards clearly identified? Are other opportunities missing?
  5. Planning Context “dashboard” overview (10 min)
    • Integration of group comments & guidance
    • Overview of “dashboard”, initial findings & invitation to review asynchronously
    • Guiding questions for asynchronous review: Is this level of detail helpful? Are there other policy or community context efforts that should be included? How can the “dashboard” be improved?
  6. Group action items (10 min)
    • Context dashboard (asynchronous review)
    • Group activities 
    • Project team next steps

Presentation and Meeting Notes will be posted on the project webpage when ready.