The Future of Downtown
The Covid pandemic has created the largest disruption to the life and economy of downtown San Francisco since the 1906 and 1989 earthquakes.
The most significant impact on downtown (and other major cities across the country) involves the long-term question of whether workers will return to physical offices – with ripple effects on other sectors such as retail, activation of public space, and transportation patterns. The Planning Department will engage in a coordinated effort across city departments to assess and address these dynamics.
On February 2023, Mayor Breed released the Roadmap to Downtown San Francisco’s Future. The Roadmap outlines nine strategies:
- Ensure Downtown is clean, safe, and inviting
- Attract and retain a diverse range of industries and employers
- Facilitate new uses and flexibility in buildings
- Make it easier to start and grow a business
- Grow and prepare our workforce
- Transform Downtown into a leading arts, culture, and nightlife destination
- Enhance public spaces to showcase Downtown
- Invest in transportation connections
- Tell our story
Building on the Mayor’s Roadmap, the Planning Department and the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) are working together, along with external organizations, to address downtown recovery in both the near- and long-term.
This effort will focus on three themes related to downtown San Francisco:
Economic Diversification and The Future of Office
Based on the insights and information from the Covid Economic Impact Analysis Study, led by OEWD with the assistance of consultants, this effort will advance thinking and put forward recommendations regarding the opportunities and challenges in rethinking the economic mix of businesses, industries and organizations physically located in downtown.
Expanding Downtown Housing
With current high commercial vacancy and the likelihood of long-term work from home trends, many are pointing to the opportunity and need to increase the downtown residential population to create a more 24/7 environment and utilize vacant space, both through new construction and conversions of existing buildings. The Planning Department will examine the challenges and opportunities in converting non-residential buildings to housing as well as an assessment of capacity for new housing construction and how well the facilities and amenities downtown support a robust residential population.
- SPUR released a report that includes an analysis of the physical characteristics of buildings that would make them candidates for adaptive reuse projects, as well as some of the feasibility barriers.
- Request for Interest (RFI) - Adaptive Reuse of Downtown Commercial Buildings was issued on June 22, 2023.
- About the RFI
- Informational Session held on July 19, 2023 (video)
- Presentation given at Informational Session
- The City approved legislation on July 5, 2023 (Ordinance No. 159-23) which among other things establishes a new Commercial to Residential Adaptive Reuse Program (Planning Code Section 210.5). Projects which meet certain criteria are eligible to receive of waivers of Planning Code requirements. The legislation also allows office and housing above the 1st floor in the Union Square area (C-3-R zoning district).
- San Francisco voters approved Measure C on the March 2024 ballot. The City’s transfer tax is now waived on the first transfer of a property after a conversion from commercial to residential use. The exemption is limited to the first 5 million square feet of converted space, and to projects that receive Planning Department approval before January 1, 2030 and then receive a first construction document within three years.
Public Life and Ground Floor Activation
What can we do in the near and long term to fill vacant spaces? What ground floor uses are desirable? How much space is there relative to demand now and in the future? How can we expand the offerings of the street life downtown to include more arts, culture, small business, and services attractive and useful for a broad range of the population, including downtown workers? Building off the recently published Downtown Public Realm Action Strategy commissioned by the Downtown SF Partnership, the Planning Department will identify near-term and long-term strategies to activate the ground floor and public realm.
- Vacant to Vibrant is a program helping small businesses collaborate with local property owners to create engaging pop-up experiences and community spaces in downtown San Francisco.
Hearing Documents
Planning Commission Hearing, February 23, 2023
Supporting Document (2022-010182CWP)
Planning Commission Hearing on Commercial to Residential Adaptive Reuse and Downtown Economic Revitalization (BF 23-0371), May 4, 2023
Supporting Document (2023-003165PCA)
Planning Commission Hearing on Commercial to Residential Adaptive Reuse and Downtown Economic Revitalization (BF 23-0732), July 13, 2023
Supporting Document (2023-003165PCA)
Planning Commission Hearing, November 9, 2023
Presentation (2022-010182CWP)
The Department is working with Downtown stakeholders and other groups to develop comprehensive strategies. These strategies will focus on ways to activate and program public spaces, bring in new uses and activities to the ground floor and adaptive reuse of existing buildings to create housing on upper floors. The geographies include:
- Mid-Market
- Union Square
- Downtown Gateway
In Mid-Market, the focus is on leveraging the existing cultural institutions and creative ecosystems to cultivate a nexus for local arts programming. This includes adapting the existing building stock to bring new activity – including housing and community space – to the area.
Union Square Area
In Union Square, the focus in on reinforcing our City’s destination retail district by expanding activity on upper floors to include housing and other commercial uses.
Downtown Gateway
In the Downtown Gateway, the focus is on reimagining the public spaces including our iconic entry to the City and the connection of Market Street to the Waterfront to create a fun and dynamic Downtown experience.
Lily Langlois
Principal Planner