Changes to the Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) process Effective April 2, 2018

San Francisco Planning is making changes to the Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) process. These changes are a key component of the Department’s strategy to meet the accelerated project review timeframes established in Mayor Ed Lee’s Executive Directive 17-02 on Housing Production issued last year.
Effective April 2, 2018:
The Department will discontinue the acceptance of an Environmental Evaluation Application (EEA) concurrently with a PPA application. This is intended to reduce project review times by providing for a better alignment of key planning considerations with the environmental review process. Once a PPA response letter has been issued, an EEA may be submitted along with a first Development Application at any time. Along with a more focused PPA response letter, this will enable Planning to respond to sponsors within 60 days, rather than the current 90-day response time. Please note that projects that submitted a PPA application prior to April 2 will still be subject to the 90-day timeframe.
Also effective April 2, the project types for which a PPA is required will also change.
A PPA will be required for the following project types:
- Creation of 10 or more dwelling units;
- Creation or expansion of any Group Housing use; and/or
- Construction of a new non-residential building or addition of 10,000 square feet or more.
PPAs will no longer be required for changes of use of greater than 25,000 square feet or for construction and expansions of school uses.
The revised application will be available on our website beginning Monday, April 2, 2018.
The PPA process is a preliminary step that evaluates moderate to large projects before development applications are filed. It provides sponsors with feedback and procedural instructions and allows staff to coordinate at the beginning of the development process. The PPA application is not a development application, and a PPA letter is not a development approval or denial.
Planning Information Center (PIC) Schedule Change Effective April 9, 2018
As part of an ongoing effort to improve the Department’s services to the public, please note that effective April 9, 2018, Planning Department Preservation Technical Specialists will be available at the Planning Information Center (PIC) at the following times:
- Monday – Thursday: 10:15 am – 2:45 pm (no break)
- Friday: 10:15 am – 12:30 pm