General Plan Update

Planning for Healthy Communities

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

12:00pm to 1:00pm
Online via Zoom - Ended


How do you define a “healthy community”? What are the factors that influence our health?   

Come to this session to learn how the planning and public health professions can work together to foster better health and well-being in your community. We will provide an overview of factors in our social and built environments that can influence our health outcomes. Staff from the Department of Public Health (DPH) will provide an overview on the community health needs assessment, with a focus on data that captures priority issues affecting health. Then, we will discuss the impetus, process, and outcomes of local planning and health initiatives, including Vision Zero SF and San Francisco Recreation and Park Department’s Urban Agriculture Program. A panel discussion will follow their presentations. 

Guest Speakers
Mei Ling Hui, San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department 
Meg Wall Shui, Department of Public Health 
Shamsi Soltani, Department of Public Health 
Ryan Reeves, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency