SF Young Planners Intern Program 2024

Hey, young planner – we're putting the finishing touches on a lot of details about the program. If you have any questions about the program, please contact cpc.internshipprogram@sfgov.org.

Youth Summer Intern Poster with graphic background of SF and three photos of previous summer interns.

“ We got a chance to walk around the Fillmore and Japantown and hear about the history of the neighborhood, tour the San Francisco Planning Department; visit a 100% affordable housing project in the Mission (La Fenix); bike through Golden Gate Park and learn about the benefits of street closure; visit Islais Creek and learn about global warming and sea level rise; check out Shared Spaces and small business recovery efforts in Hayes Valley; get on a cruise ship to Angel Island and learn about preservation and immigration history. ”

Video highlights from previous SF Young Planner's Program.

Young Planners at Angel Island

A trip to Angel Island.

“ My favorite part of the Young Planners Program was definitely our Friday Outings. I am really glad we had the opportunity this year to still have some in person aspects. Getting to take a deeper dive into our planning topic for the week by touring an actual location made each topic that much more impactful. Also actually meeting the people in my cohort that was amazing as well. ”