Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract
The architecture of this district is whimsical and detailed; both in terms of ornament and façade forms. Taken as a whole, these tract houses represent a unique Bay Area version of Storybook Style architecture. The earliest of the popular Sunset "Patio Plan" houses were built in this tract, featuring indoor patios that allowed light and air into living spaces, as seen in the 1938 aerial photo (right). Many of the houses retain their second floor indoor patios.
During the 2012-2013 Sunset District Historic and Cultural Resource Survey, the Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract was identified as a potential historic district for its exceptional and intact architectural character. The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) adopted the Sunset survey findings on September 18, 2013.
In summer 2016 San Francisco Planning staff completed a follow-up survey and wrote a Landmark District Designation Report to further identify the exterior building and landscape details that are so unique to this special neighborhood. After holding neighborhood meetings and getting residents' feedback, San Francisco Planning drafted a Landmark Designation Ordinance that describes what alterations are approvable, and what review process to follow. The next step is to designate the Tract as an Article 10 landmark district. San Francisco Planning encourages public participation in this process.
The district is special in that it includes not only Tudor Revival homes (starting at left), from which Storybook Style is commonly derived, but also Storybook versions of French Revival (second); Mediterranean Revival (third); as well as Spanish Colonial Revival (last) and its Churrigueresque and Monterey Revival subtypes.
On August 13, 2016, September 24, 2016, and April 28, 2018, San Francisco Planning staff hosted free walking tours of the neighborhood. The 3-4 block tours focused on the history and Storybook architecture of this special tract. For a map of the walking tour, click here.
San Francisco Planning invites all property owners and tenants in the proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District to express their opinion on the proposed designation. We will use your feedback to guide future discussions and revisions to the designation ordinance that will ultimately help determine a consistent design review process for the district.
Information shared on this survey will be made available at all public hearings where the proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District designation is under consideration. If you would like to remain anonymous in the prepared hearing documents, please be sure to select this option in the survey.
To date, San Francisco Planning has held six public meetings on the proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District. Click on the links below to see the materials related to each meeting.
December 6, 2016
San Francisco Planning staff shared the draft of the Landmark District Designation Report which further identifies the exterior building and landscape details that are so unique to this special neighborhood. Topics discussed included the survey and designation report findings, next steps in the landmark designation process, and information on property benefits for owning a home in a local historic landmark district. Click on the links below to download the meeting materials.
February 7, 2017
San Francisco Planning staff discussed the character defining features of the proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District, guidelines for protecting the neighborhood's visual character, and an introduction to the review process for alterations in a landmark district. In an effort to gain a better understanding of which character defining features are most important to each person, residents were asked to rate the value they place on building features.
March 28, 2017
San Francisco Planning staff gave a recap of the review process for alterations in a landmark district, then introduced the draft Landmark Designation Ordinance which includes the proposed review process for alterations in the Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District. The draft Landmark Designation Ordinance was drafted using residents' ratings and comments of their favorite building features to determine what types of alterations would or would not require additional review by San Francisco Planning. Staff asked for residents' feedback on the proposed review process for the Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District and shared a chart showing current and proposed review processes.
- Meeting Presentation
- Levels of Review for Primary and Rear Facades
- Comparison Chart of Current and Proposed Review Process
April 28, 2018
"Ask-A-Planner" Drop In
San Francisco Planning staff were on hand to answer questions about the proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract landmark district.
May 9, 2018
At an Open House, residents learned about changes to the draft landmark designation and ordinance based on their feedback, and San Francisco Planning staff answered final questions about landmark district designation before the Historic Preservation Commission hearing in June.
- Meeting Material
- Comparison Chart of Current and Proposed Review Process – UPDATED
- Levels of Review for Primary and Rear Facades – UPDATED
- Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District Draft Ordinance – UPDATED
May 21, 2018
San Francisco Planning staff presented an overview of the proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District at the Sunset-Parkside Education and Action Committee (SPEAK) Annual Membership Meeting.
The Planning Department will present the proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Historic District to the Historic Preservation Commission and it will decide whether or not to start the historic district designation process. This public hearing is scheduled for August 1, 2018 beginning at 12:30 p.m. in Room 400 of City Halland all are welcome to attend in person or send their comments to voice support or opposition of the proposed designation.
The proposed Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Historic District is comprised of two city blocks in the Sunset District that contain 93 houses built by brothers Oliver and Arthur Rousseau in 1932 and 1933. Click to enlarge.
- Sunset-Parkside Education and Action Committee Newsletter article, April 2018
- Comparison Chart of Current and Proposed Review Process – UPDATED
- Levels of Review for Primary and Rear Facades – UPDATED
- Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District Draft Ordinance – UPDATED
- Comparison Chart of Current and Proposed Review Process
- Levels of Review for Primary and Rear Facades
- Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark District Ordinance - DRAFT January 2017
- Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract FAQ
- Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract Landmark Designation Report - DRAFT
- Walking Tour of the Rousseaus' Boulevard Tract (flyer)
- 1930s Sanborn Map (San Francisco Public Library History Center )
- Adopted Sunset District Residential Builders, 1925-1950: Historic Context Statement
- Sunset Picturesque Period Revival Tracts Historic District
- Sunset District Historic Resource Survey Webpage
- Oliver Rousseau, a Depression-era builder, infused the city with rows of romantic houses
- The Storybook Homes and Scandalous Divorces of the Sunset's Rousseau Brothers
- Storybook Style – 1920s to 1930s: A brief description of Storybook Style architecture.
- Storybook Architecture in Los Angeles: Examples of Storybook architecture in L.A.
Marcelle Boudreaux