Planning Commission
Thursday, June 16, 2022
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- Wait for your turn to speak.
- When you hear the prompt, “Your line is unmuted” – THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PROVIDE YOUR PUBLIC COMMENT.
- The Commission/Hearing Secretary will indicate how much time you have to provide your comments. You will be alerted when you have 30 seconds remaining.
- Once your public comment time have ended, you will be moved out of the speaker line and back listening as a participant in the meeting (unless you disconnect).
- Participants who wish to speak on other items on the Agenda or for other comment periods may stay on the meeting line and listen for the Commission/Hearing Secretary's next prompt.
Notice is hereby given to the general public that applications involving the properties and/or issues described below have been filed with the Planning Department for review as set forth in the City Planning Code. The Planning Commission intends to hold a PUBLIC HEARING on these items and on other matters on Thursday, June 16, 2022, beginning at 1:00 p.m. or later. Please be advised that due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Planning Commission may conduct this hearing remotely using videoconferencing technology or in-person at City Hall. Additional information may be found on the Department’s website.
2021-007611DNXSHDVAR, 2009.0159E: 1500-1540 MARKET STREET (AKA “ONE OAK”) – located on the north side of Market Street, bounded by Oak Street to the north and Van Ness Avenue to the east; Lots 001, 002, 003, 004 and 005 in Assessor’s Block 0836 (District 5) – 1) Request for Downtown Project Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 210.2 and 309 to allow a project greater than 50,000 square feet of floor area within the C-3 Zoning District with exceptions for useable open space (Section 135); permitted obstructions (decorative architectural features) over sidewalks (Section 136); exposure (Section 140); reduction of ground-level wind currents (Section 148); lot coverage (Section 249.33); volumetric limitations for roof enclosures and screens (Section 260); and bulk (Section 270); 2) Request for Variance pursuant to Section 305 to permit relief from the strict requirements of the Planning Code related to above-grade parking setback requirements (Section 145.1(c)(1)); and 3) Request for Height Exemption pursuant to Section 305 to permit relief from the strict limits of the Planning Code for the height of the elevator penthouse to accommodate the elevator overrun (Section 260(b)(1)(B)); 4) Adoption of Shadow Findings pursuant to Section 295 that net new shadows attributable to the Project would not adversely affect the use of either Patricia's Green, or Page & Laguna Mini-Park, two properties under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission (Section 295); and 5) Adoption of Findings and Adoption of Statement of Overriding Considerations under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The proposed project (“Project”) includes demolition of two, existing buildings containing non-residential uses plus a surface parking lot and construction of a new 40-story building reaching a roof height up to 400 feet tall (approximately 416 feet tall inclusive of mechanical equipment, or 437 feet tall inclusive of elevator overrun and rooftop screening). The Project includes a Gross Floor Area of approximately 455,000 gross square feet of residential uses, and approximately 2,500 gross square feet of ground floor retail use, with a total of 460 dwelling units comprised of 100 studio units, 159 one-bedroom units, and 201 two-bedroom units. The Project includes 112 off-street accessory parking spaces and 3 car share spaces contained within a parking stacker, 1 off-street freight loading space and 2 off-street service loading vehicle spaces, and 190 Class 1 and 25 Class 2 bicycle parking spaces. To further activate the ground floor experience, the Project includes construction of a public plaza and shared public way within a portion of the Oak Street right-of-way (Oak Plaza). At a later date, the Project Sponsor will seek approval of an In-Kind Fee Waiver Agreement pursuant to Planning Code, to provide certain additional public realm improvements within Oak Plaza. These additional public realm improvements are subject to the Planning Commission’s separate and future approval of the Project Sponsor’s In-Kind Fee Waiver Agreement. The subject property is located within the C-3-G (Downtown General) Zoning District, 120/400-R-2 and 120-R-2 Height and Bulk Districts, and Van Ness & Market Downtown Residential Special Use District. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Nicholas Foster at (628) 652-7330 or email at and ask about Case Nos. 2021-007611DNXSHDVAR, 2009.0159E.
2020-006544PRJ: 1721 15TH STREET – South side of 15th Street between Albion Street and Valencia Street; Lot 057 in Assessor’s Block 3555 (District 9) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 121.1 and 303 to construct two residential buildings, including a six-story, 65-foot tall building containing 46 dwelling units and a three-story, 36-foot tall building containing 4 dwelling units (in total 21 two-bedroom, 21 one-bedroom, and 8 studios) under the Individually Requested State Density Bonus Program pursuant to Planning Code Section 206.6 and California Government Code Section 65915. The project seeks waivers from development standards, including Dwelling Unit Open Space (Section 135), Exposure (Section 140), Active Frontage (Section 145.1), and Height (Section 250) requirements of the Planning Code, as well as a concession/incentive from the Rear Yard (Section 134) requirements pursuant to State Density Bonus Law. The Project is located within the Valencia Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit Zoning District and a 55-X Height and Bulk District. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Ella Samonsky at 628-652-7417 or email at and ask about Record No. 2020-006544PRJ.
2005.0759ENX-02/OFA-02/CUA-02/VAR-03: 725 HARRISON STREET – South side of Harrison Street between 3rd Street and 4th Street; Lots 148, 149, and 113 in Assessor’s Block 3762 (District CMUO) - Request for a Large Project Authorization, Office Development Authorization, Conditional Use Authorization, and Variance, pursuant to Planning Code (PC) Sections 132.4,136, 270.1, 303, 305, 317, 321, 322, 329, and 848, to: 1) modify the approved Large Project Authorization under Motion No. 20597 and revise two exceptions granted by the Planning Commission for Building Setbacks and Streetwall Articulation [PC 132.4] and Horizontal Mass Reduction [PC 270.1]; 2) authorize 305,000 gross square feet (sf) of Phase II Office development; 3) demolish three Unauthorized Dwelling Units at 759 Harrison Street; and, 4) seek a Variance from the Zoning Administrator for architectural projections over the property line [PC 136]. The Revised Project incorporates Lot 113 at 759 Harrison Street into the overall development, which includes the demolition of six buildings and new construction of a 14-story, 185-foot tall mixed-use building of approximately 981,000 gsf in total with 810,000 sf of office space, 3,900 sf of retail space, 29,300 sf of PDR spaces, 3,000 sf of child care use, 16,700 sf of interior and exterior POPOS, 116 off-street below-grade parking spaces, 5 off-street freight loading spaces plus 6 service vehicles, 300 bicycle parking spaces (266 Class I, 34 Class II), 22 showers, and 36 lockers. The Project would also include the merger of lots 113 and 148. The project site is identified as a “key site” in the Central SoMa Area Plan and will dedicate Lot 149 to MOHCD for the construction of new affordable housing. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Xinyu Liang at 628-652-7316 or email at and ask about Record No. 2005.0759ENX-02/OFA-02/CUA-02/VAR-03.
2021-009914DRM: 2823 18TH STREET – South side of 18th Street between Florida Street and Bryant Street; Lot 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 134, 138, 139, and 140 in Assessor’s Block 4022 (District UMU) - Request for Mandatory Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application (BPA) No. 202109088007 to allow Residential use as an accessory use to the existing PDR (Production, Distribution, and Repair) use, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 204.4(b) and 311, for 9 ground floor PDR units with an integrated dwelling within the Urban Mix Use Zoning District and a 68-X Height and Bulk District. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Xinyu Liang at 628-652-7316 or email at and ask about Record No. 2021-009914DRM.
It is strongly recommended that persons submit their comments in writing in advance of the hearing. Written comments may be submitted via email directly to the case planner.
Persons who are unable to attend the scheduled Commission hearing may submit written comments regarding these cases to the individuals listed for each above via email or at the Planning Department, 49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1400, San Francisco, CA 94103. Comments received by 9:30 a.m. on the day of the hearing will be made a part of the official record and will be brought to the attention of the Commission.
Pursuant to Government Code § 65009, if you challenge, in court, the approval of a conditional use, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing.
Corey A. Teague
Zoning Administrator
Planning Department
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94103