
Planning Commission

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Watch Online
Commission Chambers, Rm 400 - City Hall - 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Remote Public Comment

Phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001
Access Code: 2591 831 0074##
Note: Access Code will change for each hearing.
Link to WebEx
Password: CPC2023
Note: link will change for each hearing.
Instructions for Remote Public Comment
  1. Call phone number, enter Access Code, then press ## (pound, pound)
  2. When you hear "You are muted." Stop and listen
  3. Wait for Public Comment to be announced (by Item Number or for General Public Comment)
  4. To comment, press * 3 (star 3) to "raise your hand"
  5. Once you raise your hand, you will hear the prompt: "You have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you."
  6. Wait for your turn to speak
  7. When you hear "you're unmuted" – that is your indication to begin speaking.
If you no longer want to comment
  • Press * 3 (star 3) to lower your hand
  1. Click on above hyperlink "Link to WebEx"
  2. Enter your First and Last name, plus email address
  3. Enter Password and click OK
  4. Stop and listen
  5. Wait for Public Comment to be announced (by Item Number or for General Public Comment)
  6. To comment click on "raise hand" icon
  7. You will hear a beep and see the prompt "the host has unmuted you" – that is your indication to begin speaking.
If you no longer want to comment
  • Click "raise hand" icon again


  • The Commission Secretary will indicate how much time you have to provide your comments – you will be alerted when you have 30 seconds remaining.
  • Once your public comment time has ended, you will be moved out of the speaker line and back to listening as a participant (unless you disconnect).
  • Participants who wish to speak on other items on the Agenda, or for other comment periods, may stay on the meeting line and listen for the Commission/Hearing Secretary's next prompt.

Notice is hereby given to the general public that applications involving the properties and/or issues described below have been filed with the Planning Department for review as set forth in the City Planning Code. The Planning Commission intends to hold a PUBLIC HEARING on these items and on other matters on Thursday, May 25, 2023, beginning at 1:00 p.m. or later. Please be advised that due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Planning Commission may conduct this hearing remotely using videoconferencing technology or in-person at City Hall. Additional information may be found on the Department’s website.

2023-000413PCAMAP: Planning Code, Zoning Map – Family Housing Opportunity Special Use District; Design Controls and Review Procedures [Board File No. 230026] – Ordinance amending the Planning Code to create the Family Housing Opportunity Special Use District, authorize up to four dwelling units for eligible projects, exempt eligible projects from certain height restrictions, conditional use authorizations, and neighborhood notification requirements, and eliminate a Planning Commission discretionary review hearing for eligible projects upon delegation by the Planning Commission; amending the Zoning Map to show the Family Housing Opportunity Special Use District; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. For further information, call Veronica Flores at (628) 652-7525 or email at veronica.flores@sfgov.org and ask about Case No. 2023-000413PCAMAP.

2018-011802CUA: 19 HERON STREET – south side between 8th Street and Berwick Place; Lot 041 in Assessor’s Block 3755 (District 6) – Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 317 to remove an unauthorized dwelling unit from the second floor of an industrial building located at 19 Heron Street within a WMUG (Western SoMa Mixed Use General) Zoning District, 55-X Height and Bulk District, and the Western SoMa Special Use District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Vincent W. Page II at (628) 652-7396, or email at vincent.w.page.ii@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2021-006164CUA.

2022-003304CUA: 326 27TH STREET – north side of 27th Street between Church and Sanchez Streets; Lot 011 in Block 6579 (District 8) – Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 209.1, 249.92, 303 and 317, to demolish an existing one-story, 490 square foot single-family residence and construct a new three-story-over-garage, 4,753 square foot two-family residence with two parking spaces within the Residential-House, Two-Family (RH-2) Zoning District, 40-X Height and Bulk District, and Central Neighborhoods Large Residence Special Use District. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Jeff Horn at (628) 652-7366 or email at Jeffrey.horn@sfgov.org and ask about Case No. 2022-003304CUA.

2020-007604CUA: 32 BYXBEE STREET – East side between Sargent Street and 19th Avenue; Lot 029 in Assessor’s Block 7084 (District 11) – Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 209.1, 303, and 317 for a lot split, demolition of an existing one-story single-family dwelling, and construction of two new two-unit dwellings that each include a dwelling unit and an Accessory Dwelling Unit, within the RH-1 (Residential-House, One Family) Zoning District, the Oceanview Large Residence Special Use District, and 40-X Height & Bulk District. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Gretel Gunther at (628) 652-7607, or via e-mail at gretel.gunther@sfgov.org and ask about Case No. 2020-007604CUA.

It is strongly recommended that persons submit their comments in writing in advance of the hearing. Written comments may be submitted via email directly to the case planner.

Persons who are unable to attend the scheduled hearing may submit written comments regarding these cases to the individuals listed for each above via email or at the Planning Department, 49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1400, San Francisco, CA 94103. Comments received by 9:30 a.m. on the day of the hearing will be made a part of the official record and will be brought to the attention of the Planning Commission.

Pursuant to Government Code § 65009, if you challenge, in court, the approval of a conditional use, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing.

Corey A. Teague
Zoning Administrator
Planning Department
49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94103
