
Planning Commission

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Commission Chambers, Rm 400 - City Hall - 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Remote Public Comment

Phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001
Access Code: 2592 095 1637##
Note: Access Code will change for each hearing.
Link to WebEx
Password: CPC2023
Note: link will change for each hearing.
Instructions for Remote Public Comment
  1. Call phone number, enter Access Code, then press ## (pound, pound)
  2. When you hear "You are muted." Stop and listen
  3. Wait for Public Comment to be announced (by Item Number or for General Public Comment)
  4. To comment, press * 3 (star 3) to "raise your hand"
  5. Once you raise your hand, you will hear the prompt: "You have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you."
  6. Wait for your turn to speak
  7. When you hear "you're unmuted" – that is your indication to begin speaking.
If you no longer want to comment
  • Press * 3 (star 3) to lower your hand
  1. Click on above hyperlink "Link to WebEx"
  2. Enter your First and Last name, plus email address
  3. Enter Password and click OK
  4. Stop and listen
  5. Wait for Public Comment to be announced (by Item Number or for General Public Comment)
  6. To comment click on "raise hand" icon
  7. You will hear a beep and see the prompt "the host has unmuted you" – that is your indication to begin speaking.
If you no longer want to comment
  • Click "raise hand" icon again


  • The Commission Secretary will indicate how much time you have to provide your comments – you will be alerted when you have 30 seconds remaining.
  • Once your public comment time has ended, you will be moved out of the speaker line and back to listening as a participant (unless you disconnect).
  • Participants who wish to speak on other items on the Agenda, or for other comment periods, may stay on the meeting line and listen for the Commission/Hearing Secretary's next prompt.

The items below require advance online and newspaper noticing and is not representative of the final agenda for this hearing.

Required Notices

Notice is hereby given to the general public that applications involving the properties and/or issues described below have been filed with the Planning Department for review as set forth in the City Planning Code. The Planning Commission intends to hold a PUBLIC HEARING on these items and on other matters on Thursday, June 29, 2023, beginning at 1:00 p.m. or later in City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 400. Additional information may be found on the Department’s website.

2022-011623CUA: 555 9TH STREET – East side of 9th Street, between Brannan and Bryant Streets; Lot 003 in Assessor’s Block 3781 (District 6) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303, 303.1 and 843 to establish a Formula Retail use (DBA “The Container Store”) within a vacant 22,329 square-foot retail space located on the second floor of the subject property. The subject property is located is located within an UMU (Urban Mixed Use) Zoning District and 48-X Height and Bulk District. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Monica Giacomucci at (628) 652-7414 or email at Monica.Giacomucci@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2022-011623CUA.

2022-007086CUA: 11 FRANKLIN STREET, UNIT 304 – West side of Franklin Street; Lot 107 in Assessor’s Block 0837 (District 6) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 202.10, 303 and 752 to classify the subject property as an Intermediate Length Occupancy (ILO) unit. Classification as an ILO unit allows a dwelling unit to be offered for occupancy for an initial stay with a duration of greater than 30 days but less than one year (365 days). ILO units are a use characteristic. The unit(s) proposed for ILO classification will remain dwelling units. The subject property is located within an NCT-3 (Neighborhood Commercial Transit, Moderate-Scale) Zoning District and a 50-X/85-X Height & Bulk District. The Planning Department has determined that the proposal is not defined as a project under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15378 and 150660(c)(2) because it would not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment. No exemption from CEQA will be issued. For further information, call Rogelio Baeza at (628) 652-7369 or email at Rogelio.Baeza@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2022-007086CUA.

2022-006017CUA: 11 FRANKLIN STREET, UNIT 604 – West side of Franklin Street; Lot 123 in Assessor’s Block 0837 (District 6) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 202.10, 303 and 752 to classify the subject property as an Intermediate Length Occupancy (ILO) unit. Classification as an ILO unit allows a dwelling unit to be offered for occupancy for an initial stay with a duration of greater than 30 days but less than one year (365 days). ILO units are a use characteristic. The unit(s) proposed for ILO classification will remain dwelling units. The subject property is located within a NCT-3 Moderate (Neighborhood Commercial Transit, Moderate-Scale) Zoning District and a 50-X/85-X Height & Bulk District. The Planning Department has determined that the proposal is not defined as a project under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15378 and 150660(c)(2) because it would not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment. No exemption from CEQA will be issued. For further information, call Rogelio Baeza at (628) 652-7369 or email at Rogelio.Baeza@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2022-006017CUA.

2022-006976CUA: 1541 POLK STREET – west side of Polk Street between Sacramento and California Streets; Lot 002 in Assessor’s Block 0643 (District 3) – Request for a Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 202.2, 303, and 723 to establish an approximately 4,080 square foot Cannabis Retail use (d.b.a. Element 7) with no on-site smoking or vaporizing permitted, on the ground floor of a one-story, single-storefront commercial building, within the Polk Street NCD (Neighborhood Commercial District) Zoning District and 65-A Height and Bulk District. The action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Claire Feeney at (628) 652-7313 or email at Claire.Feeney@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2022-007422CUA.

2022-012051CUA: 79 28TH STREET – South side of 28th Street between Dolores Street and San Jose Avenue; Lot 034 in Assessor’s Block 6616 (District 8) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 249.92 and 303, to construct a three-story, horizontal addition (measuring approximately 2,285 square feet) and add a second dwelling unit to an existing single-family building within the RH-2 (Residential-House, Two-Family) Zoning District, 40-X Height and Bulk District, and Central Neighborhoods Large Residence Special Use District. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Tolu Atoyebi at 628-652-7363 or email at Sydney.Atoyebi@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2022-012051CUA.

2021-003762ENX/VAR: 395 03RD STREET – northwest conner of Harrison Street; Lot 086 of Assessor's Block 3750 (District 6) – Request for a Large Project Authorization to permit construction of a structure greater than 85 feet in height and more than 50,000 gross square feet in size within the Central SoMa Special Use District (SUD) (Planning Code Section 329), MUR (Mixed-Use Residential) Zoning District, and a 200-CS Height and Bulk District, and make findings under the Individually Requested State Density Bonus Program (Section 206.6), pursuant to California Government Code Section 65915, to achieve a 42.5% density bonus, thereby increasing residential density on the site and includes waivers from: Setback (Section 132.4), Wind (Section 249.78), Height Limit (Section 250 and 841.01), and Bulk Limit (Section 270), as well as two Incentives/Concessions from: Streetwall (Sec. 132.4) and Open Space (Sections 135 and 841.11). The Project includes the demolition of an existing parking lot and new construction of a 35-story, mixed-use building with approximately 456,000 square feet of residential use with a total of 524 dwelling units, 4,500 square feet of ground-floor retail use, and 208 Class 1 and 32 Class 2 bicycle parking spaces. The Project also seeks a Variance from the Zoning Administrator to address the Planning Code requirement for Dwelling Unit Mix (Section 207.6). A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Xinyu Liang at (628) 652-7316 or email at Xinyu.Liang@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2021-003762ENX/VAR.

2022-011750CUA: 372 RITCH STREET – south side between Townsend and Brannan Streets; Lot 044 in Assessor's Block 3787 (District 6) – Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 202.2, 303, and 848 to establish an approximately 2,800 square-foot Cannabis Retail Use within the existing one-story commercial building located in the CMUO (Central Soma-Mixed Use Office) Zoning District, the Central SoMa Special Use District, and a 65-X Height and Bulk District. The Project does not include a request for authorization of any type of on-site consumption. The Project proposes interior tenant improvements such as installing display cases, toilets, and some partition walls. No major changes to the building exterior or envelope are proposed. New business signage will be applied for under a separate building permit. A Planning Commission approval at the public hearing would constitute the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h). For further information, call Xinyu Liang at (628) 652-7316 or email at Xinyu.Liang@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2022-011750CUA.

2023-002864DRM: 1 SANSOME STREET between Bush and Sutter Streets; Lot 003 in Assessor’s Block 0289 (District 3) – Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 202305268717 to modify the conditions of approval for Planning Commission Resolution No. 9085 to allow flexibility to host periodic private events involving the temporary closure of the privately-owned public open space (POPOS) within the conservatory on the subject property within the C-3-O (Downtown-Office) Zoning District and a 450-S Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).). For further information, call Christopher May at (628) 652-7359 or email at Christopher.May@sfgov.org and ask about Case No. 2023-002864DRM.

2021-007262DRP-02 : 939 LOMBARD STREET between Jones and Leavenworth Streets; Lot 021 in Assessor’s Block 0072 (District 3) – Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application no. 2021.0709.4046 to demolish an existing detached garage and construction of a new 4-story, single-family dwelling at front of lot also containing an existing 3-story single-family dwelling at the rear of the lot.within the RM-1 (Residential -Mixed – Low Density) and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).). For further information, call Trent Greenan at (628) 652-7324 or email at Trent.Greenan@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2021-007262DRP-02..

2022-004605DRP: 2574 UNION STREET between Divisadero and Scott Streets; Lot 013 in Assessor’s Block 0945 (District 2) – Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application no. 2022.0413.2114. - Horizontal expansion of a four story, single family home at levels 1,2 and 3. Interior renovations at all levels. New deck at level 2 with stair to rear yard and new deck over level 3. New window at front facade. Project is located within the RH-1 (Residential -House – One Family) and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).). For further information, call Trent Greenan at (628) 652-7324 or email at Trent.Greenan@sfgov.org and ask about Record No. 2022-004605DRP.

It is strongly recommended that persons submit their comments in writing in advance of the hearing. Written comments may be submitted via email directly to the case planner.

Persons who are unable to attend the scheduled Commission hearing may submit written comments regarding these cases to the individuals listed for each above via email or at the Planning Department, 49 South Van Ness Avenue, Suite 1400, San Francisco, CA 94103. Comments received by 9:30 a.m. on the day of the hearing will be made a part of the official record and will be brought to the attention of the Commission.

Pursuant to Government Code § 65009, if you challenge, in court, the approval of a conditional use, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing.
