Project Status: Completed
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Sunset Forward

Project status: completed

The Sunset Forward Strategies Report was unanimously endorsed by the Planning Commission on October 13, 2022 as City policy to encourage community-planning and capacity building efforts that center racial and social equity, and support the Sunset community’s vision for a healthy, thriving, and inclusive neighborhood. The Planning Commission will consider the community needs and strategies outlined in Sunset Forward when taking future actions on projects in District 4. See the Supporting Info tab for details.

Sunset Forward’s mission is to stabilize low- and moderate-income families and seniors in the Sunset, enhancing community connection and quality of life for all by addressing unmet needs in housing, transportation, and neighborhood services and businesses.  

Sunset Forward is a collective effort between SF Planning, the office of District 4 Supervisor Gordon Mar, and the District 4 Youth and Families Network, a coalition of nonprofit organizations serving youth, families, and seniors in the Sunset. The project team also worked closely with the San Francisco County Transportation Authority as they engaged the Sunset community on transportation issues through the D4 Mobility Study.

日落前進: 三藩市日落區的社區計劃




D4 Mobility Study

The transportation component of Sunset Forward was facilitated through the D4 Mobility Study, led by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA). The D4 Mobility Study explored ways to increase the use of non-automobile modes in the Outer Sunset and Parkside neighborhoods. This study aimed to improve health, livability, and economic vitality in District 4 while addressing climate change at the local level.

Solutions that have been developed from the D4 Mobility Study include:

  • Bicycle or pedestrian improvements
  • Transit enhancements or circulator services
  • Piloting new mobility services
  • Commute alternative programs

Visit the D4 Mobility Study project webpage to learn more.

In 2018, the District 4 Youth and Families Network advocated for a comprehensive community needs assessment to elevate the needs of low- and middle-income families, youth, seniors, tenants, monolingual immigrant households, and other underrepresented groups in the Sunset District.

In April 2020, The Planning Department, the District 4 Youth and Families Network, and the District 4 Supervisor’s Office launched Sunset Forward, a community planning and capacity building effort with a mission to stabilize low- and moderate-income families and seniors in the Sunset.

The Community Needs Assessment found that many Sunset residents are struggling to afford and secure housing that meets their current and future needs, have limited access to critical neighborhood services, and have seen a continual decline in the health of their neighborhood small businesses and commercial corridors through the years.

The Sunset Forward Strategies were established to address the needs and priorities identified through the Needs Assessment:

  • Housing strategies aim to increase housing affordability, build new housing of varying types and sizes to meet changing needs, encourage more middle-income and family-friendly housing, provide housing that meets the needs of an aging senior population, and expand access to renter support services and homeownership opportunities.
  • Small business and commercial corridor strategies focus on easing burdens on small business owners by changing zoning and improving the permitting process, strengthen coordination and activation along the commercial corridors, and enhance streets, sidewalks, and public spaces.
  • Neighborhood services strategies aim to increase community connection, expand access to parks and open spaces and improve cleanliness and safety, provide access to affordable health and nutrition programs, and expand programs that serve low-income families, transitional aged young adults, seniors, tenants, monolingual immigrant households, and other marginalized groups in the Sunset.

A more detailed overview is available in the Sunset Forward Strategies Report.

Sunset Forward 的第一階段是社區需求評估,這是一項廣泛的外展工作,收集了在日落區工作、生活、娛樂、學習和參加宗教服務的人們的反饋。

從 2020 年 4 月到 2021 年 1 月,Sunset 社區成員參加了在線聆聽會議、在線會議和焦點小組、Sunset Forward 的社區需求評估調查(調查),並通過 Sunset Forward 的網站提供了意見。 我們聽取了 2,000 多名社區成員的意見,其中約 1,600 人參加了各種在線活動,共有 757 人回復了調查。

作為需求評估的結果,我們制定了 Sunset Forward 戰略,總結了社區對戰略草案的反饋,以解決第 4 區住房、小型企業和商業走廊以及鄰里服務方面的需求。

感謝日落區居民、小企業主、非營利組織、宗教機構、學生和工人參與需求評估外展活動。 我們重視您的時間和反饋。

Over 2,500 community members participated in two phases of outreach from April 2020 until January 2022:

Phase 1 – Community Needs Assessment: The Community Needs Assessment was an extensive outreach effort that gathered feedback from those who work, live, play, study, and worship in the Sunset. From April 2020 through January 2021, the project team held virtual meetings, town halls, focus groups, and listening sessions as well as launched the Sunset Forward Needs Assessment Survey. 

Phase 2 – Draft Strategies: The results of the Community Needs Assessment informed the draft strategies and that were further refined by community through an iterative process. From October 2021 through January 2022, community members participated through virtual and in-person focus groups, surveys, and community events, including the Sunset Community Festival, the Outer Sunset Farmers Market, and merchant walks along the Sunset’s neighborhood commercial corridors.

SF Planning continues to work with the District 4 Youth and Families Network to build the voice of the Sunset community, particularly elevating the concerns and needs of low- and middle-income families, seniors, renters, non-English speaking immigrant households, small businesses, and service providers in the neighborhood.

THANK YOU to all the residents, small business owners, nonprofit organizations, faith-based institutions, students, and workers in the Sunset for your participation in Sunset Forward:

District 4 Youth and Families Network
  • 19th Avenue Baptist Church  
  • Community Youth Center of San Francisco  
  • Edgewood Center for Children and Families  
  • Faith in Action Bay Area  
  • Gum Moon Women’s Resource Center (D4YFN Steering Committee)  
  • Housing Rights Committee (D4YFN Steering Committee)  
  • Little Schools  
  • Northeast Medical Services   
  • Parents for Public Schools  
  • Safe & Sound  
  • Self Help for the Elderly  
  • SF-Marin Food Bank  
  • Stonestown Families YMCA   
  • Sunset Beacon – Bay Area Community Resources (D4YFN Steering Committee)  
  • Sunset Family Resource Center  
  • Sunset Youth Services (D4YFN Steering Committee)  
  • Wah Mei School (D4YFN Steering Committee)  
Sunset Community Leaders and Groups
  • Ben Wong, Wah Mei School  
  • Cody Friesenborg, Wah Mei School  
  • Dawn Stueckle, Sunset Youth Services  
  • Erica Zweig, D4ward  
  • Gloria Tan, Gum Moon Women’s Resource Center  
  • Jeffrey Rigo, D4ward  
  • Jessica Nguyen Cruz, Wah Mei School  
  • Joseph Smooke, Westside Community Coalition  
  • Ken Rackow, D4ward  
  • Kenyatta Scott, D4ward  
  • Lily Wong, Wah Mei School  
  • Margaret Graf, Senior Power  
  • Matt Pemberton, Sunset Beacon – Bay Area Community Resources   
  • Paloma Hernandez, Westside Community Coalition  
  • Ralph Lane, D4ward  
  • Shirley Yuan, Wah Mei School  
Small Businesses
  • Black Bird Books  
  • Case for Making Art Store  
  • Earthfire Arts Studio  
  • Henry’s House of Coffee  
  • Hook Fish Co.  
  • Judahlicious  
  • Outerlands Restaurant  
  • SF Hole in the Wall Pizza  
  • Sunset Mercantile  
  • Underdog’s Tres and Underdog’s Too  
  • Woods Outbounds  

April 2020 – January 2021

  • Outreach phase 1: gather input for Community Needs Assessment 

February – May 2021 

  • Analyze input and draft needs assessment report

April – September 2021

  • Release Community Needs Assessment report
  • Develop Sunset Forward strategies

October 2021 – January 2022  

  • Outreach phase 2: gather input on draft strategies

February – May 2022 

  • Analyze community input and refine strategies
  • Release phase 2 report and Sunset Forward strategies

October 2022 

  • Sunset Forward Strategies Report endorsed by the Planning Commission


Date Event Details Description
October 13, 2022 Resolution Number 21185 The Planning Commission passes Resolution Number 21185 endorsing the Sunset Forward Strategies Report at the Planning Commission Hearing.
October 13, 2022 San Francisco Planning Commission The project team will ask the Commission to endorse the Sunset Forward Strategies Report as City Policy and to review and consider the community needs, priorities, and strategies outlined in Sunset Forward when taking future actions on projects located in District 4.
Audience: general public  |  View the hearing
May 26, 2022 Virtual Town Hall: Release Final Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Join us for a virtual Town Hall, where we will unveil the final Sunset Forward Strategies the Community Needs Survey, and share preliminary a summary of the community's feedback from Phase 2 outreach. Community Questions (pdf)
Audience:  general public  |  View the recording
January 27, 2022 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  English
Audience:  Students and tenants
January 26, 2022 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  English
Audience:  Families with children
December 16, 2021 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  English
Audience:  Families with children
December 14, 2021 Target Demographic Focus Groups: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  English
Audience:  Families with children and tenants of various income levels
November 30, 2021 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  English
Audience:  Low-income families and tenants
November 23, 2021 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  Cantonese
Audience:  Families
November 22, 2021 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  Cantonese
Audience:  Families
November 20, 2021 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  English & Cantonese
Audience:  Seniors
November 18, 2021 Target Demographic Focus Group: Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Gather feedback on the draft Housing, Neighborhood Services, and Small Businesses and Neighborhood Commercial Corridors strategies
Language:  English
Audience:  Transitional Age Young Adults (TAYA) aged 16-24 yrs.
October-November 2021 Community Events: Sunset Forward Strategies Sunset Community Festival at 37th/Ortega – Pacheco
Saturday, October 2, 2021 at 11am-4pm
Outer Sunset Farmer's Market at 37th/Ortega – Quintara
Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 9am - 3pm
Sunset Merchant Walk
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 1pm - 5pm (Irving St., Judah, Taraval, and Noriega)
Self Help for the Elderly Senior Event
Monday, November 15, 2021 at 11am-12pm (Sunset Playground)
October 7, 2021 Virtual Town Hall: Community Needs Assessment Findings and Draft Sunset Forward Strategies Topic:  Join us for a virtual Town Hall, where we will share project updates, get an overview of the Community Needs Assessment Findings, learn about the potential Sunset Forward Strategies, and find out how you can get involved in this second phase of outreach
Audience:  general public  |  video not available
Winter 2020 Neighborhood Focused Community Conversations In Winter 2020, we hosted a series of community conversations organized around District 4's various neighborhood commercial districts, focused on meeting immediate localized needs, especially in light of the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic, and developing strategies to stabilize and strengthen these crucial corridors.
Winter 2020 Sunset Forward Listening Tour District 4 Supervisor Gordon Mar’s office is hosting a Listening Tour on Community Needs in Winter 2020. Neighborhood association, school group, nonprofit, small business, or other organized group in the Sunset were invited to participate.
October 24, 2020 D4 Virtual Town Hall: Community Needs Assessment Launch Topic:  Join us for a virtual Town Hall, where we will unveil the new Sunset Forward website, the Community Needs Survey, and share preliminary findings from our series of focus groups.
Audience:  general public  |  View the recording
November 21, 2020 D4 Virtual Town Hall: The Future of Great Highway Topic:  The Transportation Authority has been working with the SFMTA and the Recreation and Parks Department to evaluate the transportation impacts of three options for the future of Great Highway. Street and network changes have also been identified to complement each of the options.
Language:  English with Cantonese interpretation
Audience:  General public  |  View the recording
October, 24, 2020 D4 Virtual Town Hall: Sunset Forward Topic:  Learn about Sunset Forward and the many ways you can get involved!
Language:  English with Cantonese interpretation
Audience:  General public  |  View the recording
September 26, 2020 Target Demographic Virtual Focus Groups Topic:  Neighborhood Services
Language:  English
Audience:  Parents with young children, Transitional Age Youth, and Tenants/Renters
September 19, 22, 28, 2020 Chinese Language Virtual Focus Groups Topic:  Transportation & Neighborhood Services, Transportation & Small Businesses, Housing
Language:  Cantonese
Audience:  Chinese-speaking community members
July 25, 2020 D4 Virtual Town Hall Supervisor Mar hosted a virtual Town Hall covering a number of housing topics and announcing a series of Sunset Forward focus groups.
Various dates in August 2020 Virtual Small Group Discussions – Round 1 Through a series of virtual focus groups, Planning and the D4 Youth and Families Network asked dozens of Sunset District community members about their needs in the following areas: