Cars, a cyclist and a bus along a tree-lined street (image from Bayshore Multi-Modal Facility Study Phase II Report)
Credit: Nelson/Nygaard Consulting
Visitacion Valley

Bayshore Multi-Modal Facility Study

Project Status: Completed

The Bayshore Multi-Modal Facility Location Study analyzed alternative locations, conceptual designs, and implementation plans for a multi-modal facility in the Bayshore area based on consultant analysis, public agency input and community feedback.

Extensive growth in the bi-county, Bayshore area is placing significant pressure on regional and local transportation systems. To meet both current neighborhood needs as well as the expected increase in travel and commuting demand, several transportation improvements have been identified for the bi-county area; including Muni Forward service enhancements, US-101/Candlestick Point interchange, Caltrain Modernization and Geneva-Harney Bus Rapid Transit.

A multi-modal facility is one significant way to better connect these improvements and serve future transportation demand in the bi-county area. A facility will also support regional priorities of coordinating land use and transportation planning, as well as reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

The Bayshore Multi-Modal Facility Location Study analyzed alternative locations, conceptual designs, and implementation plans for a multi-modal facility in the Bayshore area based on consultant analysis, public agency input and community feedback. The final report is available here.

What is a Multi-Modal Facility?

Multi-modal facilities link transportation services and infrastructure within a single location or area, providing better access and connectivity for people using regional and rapid transit, local buses and shuttles, private vehicles (cars/trucks), cycling, and walking. Facilities can take many forms, including: special street designs, a kiosk, shared platforms, or even a building.

For other examples of facilities, view our project fact sheet.

Public Outreach

At the first open house (October 2015), community members were invited to comment on four potential multi-modal facility locations and various facility elements. Incorporating public input, transportation consultants then evaluated the four potential locations. The evaluation resulted in the preferred location of Sunnydale Avenue, with the understanding that future conditions may change enough such that a facility, or select elements of a facility, could be added or located elsewhere.

At the November 3rd, 2016 open house, consultants presented four alternative concepts for a multi-modal facility at the Sunnydale Avenue location. The consultant team is currently compiling community comments on these alternatives, on the criteria to evaluate these alternatives, and on other issues related to the project.

Outreach Materials

More Information

Jeremy Shaw
Project Manager and Senior Planner
SF Planning Department