Greater SoMa Community Facility Needs Assessment
The Greater SoMa Community Facility Needs Assessment plans for equitable access to community facilities to serve existing and future residents in the greater South of Market area.
Thank you for participating in this project. The final assessment can be viewed on this StoryMap.
The Planning Department has completed a Community Facility Needs assessment for the Greater SoMa area. The assessment identifies the capital needs of ten types of community facilities in the greater South of Market area, including the Tenderloin, Mission Bay, Showplace Square and Market and Octavia neighborhoods. The assessment begins with an analysis of existing facilities in these neighborhoods to understand current use and this is followed by analysis of how anticipated population growth might impact these facilities. Feedback received from residents, community-based organization and city agencies have been incorporated into the assessment. This assessment will serve as a guide for city agencies as they plan and allocate resources for new and improved facilities.
The COVID-19 pandemic is intensifying many of the equity and accessibility challenges already facing San Francisco’s residents. It is hitting communities of color and low-income communities the hardest and straining already scarce resources. The pandemic is also causing unprecedented and unpredictable populations shifts, and changes to what we need from our community facilities. Large numbers of San Franciscans choosing to move elsewhere for the first time in a generation may alter the anticipated population growth, and public health concerns surrounding in-person use of community facilities may prevent or complicate how these facilities are used. As we work to comprehend these rapidly developing changes, the Greater SoMa Community Facility Needs Assessment provides an opportunity to memorialize which facilities are of highest need and value to residents, and help to ensure that future planning and capital improvements are rooted in community priorities.
Phase 1: August 2020 – March 2021
- Develop inventory of existing community facilities
- Understand community facility needs from existing residents
- Analysis of existing standards for community facilities
- Connect with stakeholders and community groups to shape the outreach approach and gather input on community facility needs
- Interagency coordination
Phase 2: March 2021 – April 2021
- Share key findings from inventory of existing community facilities
- Share key findings from community input on community facility needs
- Apply existing nexus standards to community facilities (where applicable) to understand what is needed
- Connect with stakeholders and community groups to shape the outreach approach and gather input on priorities for community facilities
- Interagency coordination
Phase 3: May 2021 – June 2021
- Share findings, incorporate feedback from Phase 2 of outreach
- Publish final assessment with summary of community feedback, key findings, recommendations and next steps
Please hover over the image below and scroll to move down the page, or view larger Storymap here.
Planning Department staff have concluded the initial engagement period for the Greater SoMa Community Facilities Needs Assessment. Thank you to everyone who invited us to present at your events and connect with your constituents.
Jessica Look
Project Manager