Balboa Reservoir and Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
The Balboa Reservoir neighborhood will be a diverse, inclusive mixed-income community that brings together residents and neighbors around the new Reservoir Park. This new neighborhood will include over a thousand new housing units, approximately 4 acres of open space, a new multi-modal street network, a new childcare facility, and other community amenities. The Project Master Plan and Development Agreement were approved in August 2020, and enacting legislation became effective August 28, 2020.
In 2009, the Planning Commission adopted the Balboa Park Station Area Plan, a community planning effort launched in 2000 as part of the Better Neighborhoods program. The key objectives of the Balboa Park Station Area Plan call for the development of a mixed-use residential neighborhood and public open space on the Project site if the SFPUC does not need the site for water storage.
In late 2014, the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, the Planning Department and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission initiated a study of the SFPUC-owned Balboa Reservoir site, located off of Ocean Avenue and Frida Kahlo Way. It is among the first sites slated for San Francisco's Public Land for Housing Program, which utilizes City-owned land to address the City's most pressing housing issues.
Project Review and Outreach
In 2015, the Balboa Reservoir Community Advisory Committee (“BRCAC”) was established to serve as the primary forum for community feedback on the development of a master plan for the project site. After a two-year outreach, visioning, and selection process, in 2017 the City chose the development team, which consisted of a partnership between BRIDGE Housing and Avalon Bay Communities (learn more about the selection process here). Then, the City and the development team together began an extensive planning process with City agencies, the BRCAC, and the community. In 2018, the project team initiated the project’s environmental review process and continued community design workshops and tours, providing the opportunity to discuss open space, streetscape, and architectural designs.
The Project’s Master Plan and Development Agreement (DA) – the latter establishes the terms of the Balboa Reservoir project between the City and the Project Sponsor – were unanimously approved by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors in May 2020 and August 2020, respectively. Mayor London Breed signed the legislation enacting the Development Agreement on August 28, 2020. See Supporting Info Tab for adopted documents and other resources.
Program Elements
The Project, as described in the DA and Master Plan document – also known as the Design Standards and Guidelines or “DSG” – will include the following program elements:
- A total of approximately 1,100 new housing units
- 50% affordable (approximately 550 units, including 150 affordable educator units)
- A minimum of 40% of total units with two bedrooms or more
Open Space
Approximately 4 acres of new open space, including:
- The ~2-acre “Reservoir Park” would provide a children's play area, community gardens, multipurpose lawn areas, and other amenities.
- The ~1 acre “SFPUC Retained Fee Open Space” would provide a flexible plaza, a play area, and pedestrian paseos.
- Small open spaces and plazas, shared public ways, and paseos (pedestrian-only corridors)
Community Facilities and Amenities
- Publicly Accessible Community room
- 100-seat childcare center (50% reserved for low income families)
Transportation and Parking
- Transportation and circulation improvements and utility infrastructure improvements including a new multi-modal street network and bike infrastructure.
- A maximum of 550 residential parking spaces and 450 public parking spaces in below grade or fully wrapped parking structures allowed.
Environmental Resilience and Sustainability
- The San Francisco Sustainable Neighborhood Framework (SNF), supporting San Francisco’s commitment to be a net-zero city by 2050: healthy air, renewable energy, clean water, robust ecosystems, and zero waste.
- Environmental Leadership project (ELP) under California State Assembly Bill 900
- All buildings to be built to LEED Gold standard or better
Information found here is related to the planning and approval process for the Balboa Reservoir leading up to its final approval in August 2020.
For additional information related to:
- Community outreach, see the “Meetings” tab
- Project implementation and the development applications, see the "Project Implementation" tab
- Approved documents, see the “Supporting Info” tab
Planning Milestone and Approval Timeline
2009 | Balboa Park Station Area Plan adopted |
Nov 2014 | Balboa Reservoir site identified for the Public Land for Housing Program |
April 2015 | Balboa Reservoir Community Advisory Committee (CAC)established |
Aug 2015 – Sep 2016 | Development parameters established over the course of 16 CAC meetings |
2017 | Development team selected: AvalonBay Communities and BRIDGE Housing with Mission Housing, Pacific Union Development Company, and Habitat for Humanity of Greater San Francisco. Details on the selection process available here. |
October 10, 2018 | Notice of Preparation of EIR |
August 7, 2019 | Draft EIR publication |
September 12, 2019 | Planning Commission Hearing: Draft EIR |
April 9, 2020 | Planning Commission Hearing: Initiation of General Plan Amendments related to the Project |
April 29, 2020 | Responses to comments document published |
May 28, 2020 | Planning Commission Hearing: EIR Certification and Project Approvals |
June 16, 2020 | SFMTA Board Approval Hearing |
June 23, 2020 | SFPUC Commission Approval Hearing |
July 27, 2020 | Board of Supervisors Land Use & Transportation Committee Hearing |
July 29, 2020 | Board of Supervisors Budget & Finance Committee Hearing |
August 11, 2020 |
Board of Supervisors Approval Hearing (first reading): Approved unanimously |
August 18, 2020 | Board of Supervisors Approval Hearing (second reading): Approved unanimously |
TBD | Development Agreement Effective Date |
Adopted Documents
Balboa Reservoir Special Use District (SUD) (ie Planning Code Section 249.90)
Balboa Reservoir Design Standards and Guidelines (DSG)
- Planning Commission Motion 20734
- Final Design Standards and Guidelines (DSG) (Amended Sept. 15, 2020)
- Balboa Reservoir DSG amendment (Oct. 21, 2021)
Balboa Reservoir Development Agreement (DA)
- Planning Commission Resolution 20735
- Final Ordinance
- Executed DA (large PDF)
- Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP)
- Balboa Reservoir Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM)
- Balboa Reservoir DA Exhibit R - Community Engagement
- Balboa Reservoir North Street MIP Amendment (January 20, 2022)
- EIR Certification: Planning Commission Motion 20730 (May 28, 2020)
- Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (August 7, 2019)
- Environmental Leadership Development Project (ELDP) Notice (1/9/20)
- Responses to Comments on DEIR Volume 1 & Volume 2 (April 29, 2020)
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (December 11, 2019)
- SFPUC's Balboa Reservoir Community Portal
- Balboa Reservoir Property Map
- Plan Subareas in 2009 Balboa Park Station Area Plan
- Existing Conditions: Infrastructure and Environment
- Existing Conditions: Transportation
- Non-CEQA Transportation Analysis Final Memo
Topics include Parking Supply and Demand, Vehicle operations, and feasibility of shuttle service. - Balboa Reservoir Development Agreement Director’s report of the draft agreement and negotiations has been published and can be viewed here.
Other Agency Projects
The Balboa Reservoir project is coordinated with several concurrent planning and construction projects in the Balboa Park Station Area. City of San Francisco projects include:
- Ocean Avenue Safety Project
- Balboa Park BART Station Modernization Plan
- Balboa Park Station Area and Plaza Improvements
- Curtis E. Green Light Rail Yard improvements
- Unity Plaza
- Ocean and Geneva Avenue
- Balboa Park Station Area CAC – the CAC for implementing the Balboa Park Station Area Plan
- Map of projects in the area
Please note: the BRCAC has sunset as of July 1, 2021.
The purpose of the CAC is to provide a community voice and function as a central clearinghouse for community input. The CAC serves in an advisory role, providing feedback to City staff reporting to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, and City departments.
Balboa Reservoir Community Advisory Committee (CAC) members are appointed by the Mayor and the District 7 Supervisor. CAC member biographies can be found here. The CAC is composed of the following community representatives:
- Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Designated Representative: Amy O'Hair [email]
- Westwood Park Neighborhood Association Designated Representative: Michael Ahrens [email]
- OMI Resident: Maurice Rivers
- City College Employee or Trustee: Brigitte Davila [email]
- Member of Balboa Park Station Area Plan CAC: vacant
- Ocean Avenue Business Owner: Peter Tham
- SFPUC CAC Member: Mark Tang [email]
- At-Large Seat #1: Christine Godinez, Lick Wilmerding HS [email]
- At-Large Seat #2: Jon Winston, Sunnyside Resident [email]
2024, September 28 10AM - 12PM | Developer Hosted: Building-A Meeting and Community Update Location: UNITY PLAZA at 1002 Ocean Avenue | N/A | The Balboa Reservoir Development Team will be hosting an outdoor open house, specifically focused on Building A. |
2022, September 10 10AM - 12PM | Developer Hosted: Balboa Reservoir Townhouse Meeting and Community Update (Outdoor Event) Location: UNITY PLAZA at 1002 Ocean Avenue | N/A | BRIDGE Housing and AvalonBay Communities will be co-hosting an outdoor open house, specifically focused on both the Balboa Reservoir Townhomes, and new street names. |
2021, October 16 10am - 12pm | Developer Hosted: Reservoir Park Open House (Outdoor Event) Location: UNITY PLAZA at 1002 Ocean Avenue Sign-up here to receive developer updates! | N/A | This meeting is a follow up from our July 24th meeting incorporating park feedback into an updated design. Come hear directly from the landscape design team about these changes and let us know what you think. |
2021, July 24 10am - 12pm | Developer Hosted: Design Open House (Outdoor Event) Location: UNITY PLAZA at 1002 Ocean Avenue | ||
2021, June 14 6pm | CAC Meeting
| |
2021, May 10 6pm | CAC Meeting
| |
2021, March 15 6pm | CAC Meeting
Mobile (US Toll-free)
| ||
2020, November 9 6pm | CAC Meeting | ||
2020, August 18 2:00pm | Board of Supervisors Full Board Meeting Agenda will post here when ready: https://sfbos.org/meetings/42 | Minutes | |
2020, August 11 2:00pm | Board of Supervisors Full Board Meeting Agenda will post here when ready: https://sfbos.org/meetings/42 | ||
2020, August 4 5pm-7pm | CAC Meeting | ||
2020, July 13 5:00 p.m. | CAC Meeting Location: Meeting Agenda Join Zoom Meeting or https://tinyurl.com/BRCAC0713 Meeting ID: 980 9071 1815 | Password: 897854 Updated - One tap mobile (US Toll-free) +18335480282,,98090711815# US (San Jose) | ||
2020, July 27, 1:30 p.m. | Board of Supervisors Land Use & Transportation Committee meeting Agenda will post here when ready: https://sfbos.org/meetings/47 | ||
2020, July 29, 10:30 a.m. | Board of Supervisors Budget & Finance Committee meeting Agenda will post here when ready: https://sfbos.org/meetings/43 | ||
2020, June 23 TBD SFPUC Commission | CEQA Findings, Development Agreement Consent, Purchase and Sales Agreement, Open Space License, Easement | Agenda will post here when ready | |
2020, June 16 1 p.m. SFMTA Board | CEQA Findings, Development Agreement Consent | Agenda will post here when ready | |
2020, June 15 5 p.m. | CAC Meeting Location:
| ||
2020, May 28 Planning Commission Hearing | Environmental Impact Report (EIR) certification and project approvals | Agenda will post here when ready | |
2020, May 18 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting Location: | ||
2020, May 14 4 - 5:30 p.m. Office Hours | Join Zoom Meeting or https://tinyurl.com/BRCACOFFICEHOURS Meeting ID: 919 6964 8584 | Password: 143551 To join by phone: 1. dial 669-900-9128 and follow instructions 2. dial in the meeting ID: 919 6964 8584, press # 3.dial in the password: 143551, press # | ||
2020, May 7 4 - 5:30 p.m. Office Hours | Join Zoom Meeting or https://tinyurl.com/BRCACOFFICEHOURS Meeting ID: 919 6964 8584 | Password: 143551 To join by phone: 1. dial 669-900-9128 and follow instructions 2. dial in the meeting ID: 919 6964 8584, press # 3.dial in the password: 143551, press # |
| |
RESCHEDULED 2020, April 27 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting Location:
| Approved Meeting Minutes |
Agenda Items (audio) |
RESCHEDULED 2020, April 8 6 - 8 p.m. | Reinstated - CAC Meeting Location:
| Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2020, March 19 1 p.m. | Cancelled - Planning Commission Hearing 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 400, San Francisco | Event Details | |
2020, March 9 6 - 8 p.m. | Cancelled - CAC Meeting Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140, 55 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | ||
2020, February 10 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140, 55 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Unapproved Meeting Minutes | Agenda Items (audio) |
2019, December 9 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140, 55 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes |
Agenda Items (audio) |
2019, September 30 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140, 55 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2019, June 13 1 p.m. | Planning Commission Hearing 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 400, San Francisco | Event Details | |
2019, June 10 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140, 55 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Agenda Items (audio) |
2019, March 11 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Agenda Items (audio) |
2018, December 5 6 - 8 p.m. | Holiday Celebration Location: Ingleside Presbyterian Church 1345 Ocean Ave, San Francisco, CA 94112 | N/A | |
2018, October 30 6 - 8 p.m. | EIR Public Scoping Meeting Meeting Agenda Location: Lick Wilmerding High School Cafeteria (Ann Maisel Café) 755 Ocean Avenue San Francisco, CA 94112 | EIR Public Scoping Meeting Minutes (32MB - Minutes begin on page 220) | |
2018, October 15 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting: EIR Process and Design Updates Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2018, September 15 12 - 4 p.m. | Developer Hosted: Balboa Reservoir Community Park Day Park Day Flyer Balboa Reservoir, Lower Lot | N/A | |
2018, July 9 6 - 8 p.m. | CAC Meeting: On- and Off-Site Transportation Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2018, June 23 10AM - 1PM | Developer Hosted: Open Space Possibilities Open House Open House Flyer Ingleside Library's Community Room, located at 1298 Ocean Avenue | N/A | |
2018, June 23: 1-4PM | Developer Hosted: Tour of San Francisco Affordable Housing
| N/A | |
2018, May 17 6-7:30PM | Developer Hosted: Walking Tour of Ocean Avenue Meet at Unity Plaza (Outside of 1100 Ocean Avenue) | N/A | |
2018, April 20: 2PM-6PM and 2018, April 21: 10AM-2PM | Developer Hosted: Community Open House Open House Flyer Location: 1100 Ocean Avenue Community Room (In Front of Unity Plaza) | N/A | |
2018, April 9 | CAC Meeting: Master Plan Updates Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2018, February 12 | CAC Meeting: Preview of Fiscal Feasibility Legislative Process Meeting Agenda Location: City Hall (Polk St. Entrance), South Light Court 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Preview: Supporting Documents for Fiscal Feasibility Legislation |
2018, January 22 | CAC Meeting: Housing and Neighborhood Character Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2017, December 11 | Topic: Access, Circulation and Parking Discussion Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2017, November 13 | Topic: Annual Election of Chair and Vice Chair; Discussion with Development Team on Community Engagement, Master Plan Overview and Public Open Space Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes |
2017, October 2 | Topic: Annual Election of Chair and Vice Chair; Introduction of Development Team and Next Steps Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes |
2017, June 15 - 6PM - Video 7PM - Discussion | Topic: Video of developer presentation from June 10; discussion and feedback on proposals Meeting Agenda Location: Lick-Wilmerding High School Cafeteria, 755 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 Note: Enter Lick-Wilmerding from GENEVA AVENUE Map | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2017, June 10 - 10AM Community Meeting | PRESENTATION of developer proposals; discussion and feedback on proposals Location: Archbishop Riordan High School, Cafeteria 175 Phelan Ave, San Francisco, CA 94112 |
| |
2017, March 13 | Topics: Preparation for upcoming presentation of developer proposals Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes |
2017, February 13 | Topics: Balboa Area Transportation Demand Management Planning Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2016, December 12 | Topic: Annual Report to BOS Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | ApprovedMeeting Minutes | |
2016, November 14 Updated Note: The October 24 meeting was been cancelled due to a conflicting community meeting. | Topics: Annual Chair & Vice-Chair Elections and Process Review and Next Steps Meeting Agenda Location: Archbishop Riordan High School, Theatre 175 Phelan Ave, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2016, September 12 6:15 p.m. | Topic: Compiled Development Principles and Parameters; Next Steps in RFQ Process Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2016, August 8 6:15 p.m. | Topics: Compiled Development Principles and Parameters Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2016, July 11 6:15 p.m. | Topics: 1) Balboa Reservoir RFP parameters regarding Sustainability, Additional Public Benefits and other topics TBD Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Updated Parameters to be Discussed:
Other Documents |
2016, June 13 6:15 p.m. | Topics: Balboa Reservoir RFP parameters regarding Transportation, Public Realm, Housing, Sustainability and Additional Public Benefits Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Parameters reached by consensus:
Updated Parameters to be Discussed:
2016, May 23 6:15 p.m. Note: Meeting is in addition to regularly scheduled meetings. Meeting topic is continued from 4/13 agenda | Topic: Balboa Reservoir Transportation parameters, CCSF Parameters Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Parameters reached by consensus: Updated parameters to be discussed:
Other documents: |
2016, May 9 6:15 p.m. | Topics: Relationship to City College; other topics time permitting Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes |
2016, April 13 (Wednesday) 6:15 p.m. Note meeting rescheduled from usual meeting date | Topics: 1) Balboa Area Transportation Demand and 2) Balboa Reservoir Transportation parameters Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Updated Parameters to be Discussed: |
2016, March 14 6:15 p.m. | Topics: Further Discussion of Housing and Urban Design parameters Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Parameters reached by consensus:
Updated Parameters to be Discussed:
2016, February 8 6:15 p.m. | Topics: Revisions to CCSF, Sustainability, Additional Public Benefits parameters and Further Discussion of Housing, Urban Design and Public Realm parameters Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Updated Parameters to be Discussed:
Responses to Public Comment regarding: |
2016, January 11 6:15 p.m. | Topics: Additional Public Benefits and Revisions to Previous Draft Parameters Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | Updated Parameters to be Discussed (same links from previous dates):
Presentations 1/11/16 |
2015, December 14 6:15 p.m. | Topics: CCSF, Sustainability, Additional Public Benefits Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes |
2015, November 30 6:15 p.m. (rescheduled from November 9,2015 Meeting) | Topic: Transportation Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2015, November 5 6:45 p.m. | Special Meeting on Urban Design/Neighborhood Character Meeting Agenda Location: City College of San Francisco Multi-Use Building, Room 140 55 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes |
2015, October 19: 6:30 p.m. (new date due to Columbus Day holiday on October 12, 2015) | Topic: Open Space & Public Realm Meeting Agenda Location: Lick-Wilmerding High School Cafeteria, 755 Ocean Avenue San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2015, September 14 6:30 p.m. | Meeting Agenda Location: Lick-Wilmerding High School Cafeteria, 755 Ocean Avenue San Francisco, CA 94112 | Approved Meeting Minutes | |
2015, August 26 | Meeting Agenda | Approved Meeting Minutes |
Project Phases
The Balboa Reservoir project will be built in two phases. Prior to the commencement of each project phase, the Project Sponsor is required to submit a Phase Application for approval to the Planning Department describing the proposed development program of each phase. Phase Applications and related information will be posted here when they are available.
Date | Description | Materials |
June 7, 2024 | Balboa Reservoir Phase 1 Development Application Amendment Approval | |
October 26, 2021 | Balboa Reservoir Phase 1 Development Application Approval | |
July 2021 | Balboa Reservoir Phase 1 Development Application |
Implementation Milestones
See the Meetings tab for more information about pre-application community meetings.
October 16, 2021
Design Review Pre-Application Community Meeting for Reservoir Park
July 24, 2021
Design Review Pre-Application Community Meeting for Phase 1 Buildings and Open Space
Approval Documents
- Staff Report for Design Review Approval - Block F (May 16, 2022)
- Staff Report for Design Review Approval - Block E (May 27, 2022)
- Design Review Approval - Block F (May 25, 2022)
- Design Review Approval - Block E (June 27, 2022)
- Design Review Approval – Blocks C & D (November 10, 2022)
- Design Review Approval – Open Space (November 10, 2022)
- Staff Report for Design Review Approval – Townhouses: Blocks TH1 and TH2 (March 3, 2025)
Project Implementation Contact
To submit questions or comments to City staff, please contact:
Jonathan Cherry
Office of Economic and Workforce Development
(415) 554-6937
Planning Department
For questions or comments about the project, please contact:
Jeffrey Horn
Senior Planner