Eastern Neighborhoods Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
Project status: complete
Per Chapter 5 of the City’s Administrative Code, the EN CAC sunset date was January 1, 2024. The Department would like to thank all of the members of the EN CAC for their service and time and collaboration.
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is the central community advisory body charged with providing input to City agencies and decision makers with regard to all activities related to implementation of the Eastern Neighborhoods Area Plans.
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is the central community advisory body charged with providing input to City agencies and decision makers with regard to all activities related to implementation of the Eastern Neighborhoods Area Plans. The CAC is established for the purposes of providing input on the prioritization of Public Benefits, updating the Public Benefits program, relaying information to community members in each of the four neighborhoods regarding the status of development proposals in the Eastern Neighborhoods, and providing input to plan area monitoring efforts as appropriate.
About the CAC
The CAC is established for the purposes of providing input on the prioritization of Public Benefits, updating the Public Benefits program, relaying information to community members in each of the four neighborhoods regarding the status of development proposals in the Eastern Neighborhoods, and providing input to plan area monitoring efforts as appropriate.
Rules & Bylaws
The Eastern Neighborhoods Area Plans (EN) and accompanying Code Amendments established the Eastern Neighborhoods Citizens Advisory Committee (EN CAC).
- Administrative Code Section
Section 5.32-1 in San Francisco's Administrative Code established the Eastern Neighborhoods CAC - Eastern Neighborhoods CAC Bylaws
Meetings are generally held quarterly – meeting time and location subject to change – please refer to Hearings and Events listing.
Meetings prior to 2015
Refer to the last part of the link to see the date of the event (ie., Agenda_October_18_2010):
- Agenda-12-15-14
- Meeting_Minutes-11-17-14
- Agenda-11-17-14
- Cancellation_Notice-10-20-14
- Agenda-10-20-14
- Minutes_08-18-14
- Agenda_09-15-14
- Agenda_08-18-14
- Agenda_06-16-14
- Presentation_04-21-14
- Agenda_05-19-14
- MeetingMinutes_02-10-14
- Presentation_03-17-14
- Agenda_04-21-14
- Agenda-03-17-14
- Meeting_Minutes_11-18-13
- Agenda-01-13-14
- Meeting_Minutes-01-13-14
- Agenda-02-10-14
- Presentation_Material_11-18-13
- Meeting_Minutes_10-21-13v2
- Cancellation_Notice_12-16-13
- Agenda-11-18-13
- MeetingMaterials_10-19-2013
- Meeting_Minutes_09-16-2013
- Meeting_Minutes_08-19-2013
- Agenda-10-21-13
- MeetingMaterials-09-16-13
- MeetingMaterials-08-19-13
- Agenda-09-16-13
- MeetingMaterial-08-19-13
- Meeting_Minutes_06-17-2013
- Meeting_Minutes_05-20-2013
- Agenda-08-19-13
- CancellationNotice-071513
- Agenda_June_17_2013
- Agenda_April_15_2013
- Agenda_March_18_2013
- Agenda_February_11_2013
- Agenda_November_19_2012
- Meeting_Minutes_09-17-2012
- Agenda_October_15_2012
- Agenda_September_17_2012
- June_2012_Meeting_Minutes
- Agenda_August_20_2012
- Agenda_June_18_2012
- Agenda_May_21_2012
- Agenda_April_16_2012
- Meeting_Minutes_02-13-12
- Agenda_February_13_2012
- Agenda_January_9_2012
- Agenda_November_21_2011
- Agenda_October_17_2011
- Agenda_September_19_2011
- Agenda_August_15_2011
- Agenda_July_18_2011
- Agenda_20110516
- Agenda_May_16_2011
- Agenda_April_18_2011
- Agenda_March_21_2011
- Meeting_Minutes_01-10-2011
- Agenda_February_7_2011
- Agenda_January_10_2011
- Agenda_November_15_2010
- Agenda_October_18_2010
- Meeting_Minutes_08-16-2010
- Agenda_September_20_2010
- Agenda_August_16_2010
- Agenda_June_21_2010
- Agenda_May_17_2010
- Agenda_April_19_2010
- Meeting_Minutes_02-08-2010
- Meeting_Minutes_1-11-2010
- Agenda_March_15_2010
- Meeting_Minutes_11-16-2009
- Agenda_February_8_2010
3 seats are currently open: District 8, District 10 and Mayoral appointees.
Committee members shall live, work, or own a business in the district they represent. If you are interested, please complete the application, and submit it to Victor.Young@sfgov.org, Rules Committee Clerk – Application Available Here
Committee Members:
- Irma Lewis, Chair
- Cliff Bargar
- Anne Cervantes
- Andrew Cheng
- Henry Karnilowicz
- Kim-Shree Maufas
- Nathan Mee
- Uzuri Pease-Greene
- Jolene Yee
If you have questions or comments, please contact:
Julian J. Bañales
Principal Planner
Office of the Director