447 Battery / 530 Sansome2024-007066ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Sherie GeorgeCPC.447Battery530SansomeEIR@sfgov.org
570 Market Street2019-017622ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Megan Calpinmegan.calpin@sfgov.org
San Antonio Backup Pipeline Project (Town of Sunol Pipeline Project)2007.0039E 2007.0039ENV-03
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
3333 California Street Mixed-Use Project2015-014028ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Debra Dwyerdebra.dwyer@sfgov.org
Montara Mountain Rainfall Prediction and Radio Replacement Project 2014.1228E 2014.1228ENV-02
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Julie Moorejulie.moore@sfgov.org
Candlestick Point-Hunters Point Shipyard Phase II Development Plan Project (formerly the "Bayview Waterfront Project")2007.0946E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Joy Navarretejoy.navarrete@sfgov.org
3400 Laguna Street Project2022-009819ENV Newspaper Ad (08/28/2024)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Megan CalpinCPC.3400LagunaEIR@sfgov.org
SFPUC City Water Distribution Division Campus Project at 2000 Marin Street2022-000702ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
Stonestown Development Project2021-012028ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Josh PollakCPC.Stonestown@sfgov.org
Biosolids Digester Facilities Project2015-000644ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Julie Moorejulie.moore@sfgov.org
1101-1123 Sutter Street2019-022850ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project2019-020115ENV Please note that public comment on the Draft EIR closed on January 24, 2022.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Julie MooreCPC.OceanBeachEIR@sfgov.org
Port of San Francisco Waterfront Plan Project2019-023037ENV
Public Hearing for the certification of the Final EIR on March 16, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. or later – agenda details and supporting documents will post 6 days prior to event. Please note that public comment for the Draft EIR closed on April 25, 2022.
Newspaper Ad (02/23/22)
Errata: the mailed NOA indicated the wrong case number. The correct number is 2019-023037ENV.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Area Plan Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)
Don LewisCPC.WaterfrontEIR@sfgov.org
Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island Redevelopment Plan2007.0903E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption & Area Plan Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Treated Water Reservoir (Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Ozonation Facility and Other Site Improvements Project)2006.0137E (EIR) 2006.0137ENV-04
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
Whole Foods at 2675 Geary Boulevard Project2019-004110ENV-02
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Rachel SchuettCPC.WholeFoods2675Geary@sfgov.org
Potrero Yard Modernization Project - 2500 Mariposa Street2019-021884ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jennifer McKellarCPC.PotreroYardEIR@sfgov.org
City Refuse Contract2022-001263ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jessica Rangejessica.range@sfgov.org
SF Logistics Center Project - 1313 Armstrong2020-010684ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Josh Pollakjosh.pollak@sfgov.org
San Joaquin Pipeline Valve and Safe Entry Improvements: Phase 3 Tesla Surge Tower2007.0427ENV-03
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
St. Ignatius Field Lighting Project2018-012648ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Don LewisCPC.SaintIgnatiusLightingEIR@sfgov.org
Islais Creek Bridge Project2022-000112ENV Update: the Islais Creek Bridge Draft EIR hearing was originally noticed to be heard on January 4, 2024. The January 4, 2024 Planning Commission hearing is cancelled and the revised Draft EIR hearing date is Thursday, January 11, 2024, beginning at 12 pm or later.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Elizabeth WhiteCPC.IslaisCreekBridgeProject@sfgov.org
545 Sansome Street and 501-505 Washington Street2020-001410ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Ryan Shumryan.shum@sfgov.org
Sunnydale HOPE SF Master Plan2010.0305E Project webpage
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Ryan Shumryna.shum@sfgov.org
San Francisco Gateway Project - 749 Toland Street and 2000 McKinnon Avenue2015-012491ENV
The public comment period for the Draft EIR has been extended. Comments will be accepted 08/03/2023 until 5:00 pm 10/16/2023. (09/01/2023)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Elizabeth WhiteCPC.SFGatewayProject@sfgov.org
SFPUC Southern Skyline Boulevard Ridge Trail Extension Project2016-016100ENV Notice of Hearing on Draft Environmental Impact Report Newspaper Ad (06/24/2020)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
4199 Mission Street2020-004806ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
PG&E Power Assets Acquisition Project 2023-005370ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Julie MooreCPC.PGEPowerAssetsEIR@sfgov.org
450-474 O'Farrell Street/532 Jones Street2013.1535ENV 2013.1535EIA-03
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jenny Delumojenny.delumo@sfgov.org
469 Stevenson Street2017-014833ENV
SB 7 Record of Proceedings (Public Resources Code Sections 21178-21189.3): https://www.469stevensonstreetproject.com
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jenny DelumoCPC.469Stevenson@sfgov.org
Sutro Tower Digital Television Project2007.0206E 2007.0206ENV‐04 2021-012569ENV 2019-000499ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Kei Zushikei.zushi@sfgov.org
SFO Shoreline Protection Program2020-004398ENV Public Hearing for the certification of the Final EIR on June 1, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. or later – agenda details and supporting documents will post 6 days prior to event.
Please note that public comment for the Draft EIR closed on October 17, 2022.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Tania Sheynercpc.sfosppeir@sfgov.org
80 Julian Avenue2021-007313ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
The Hub Plan, 30 Van Ness Avenue Project, 98 Franklin Street Project, and Hub Housing Sustainability District (HSD)Project Webpage 2015-000940ENV (Hub Area Plan) 2016-014802ENV (98 Franklin Street) 2017-008051ENV (30 Van Ness Avenue) 2016-014802ENV-02
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Area Plan Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)
Alana Callagyalana.callagy@sfgov.org
520 John Muir Drive / Lake Merced West Project2019-014146ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Julie MooreCPC.LakeMercedWestEIR@sfgov.org
2 Lake Street2020-007168ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jennifer McKellarjennifer.mckellar@sfgov.org
San Francisco Housing Element 2022 Update2019-016230ENV
Public Comment: please note that public comment for the Draft EIR closed on 07/12/22.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Elizabeth Whiteelizabeth.white@sfgov.org
1010V Mission Street2022-009297ENV-02 Newspaper Ad (11/09/22)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
729 Bush Street2019-021810ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Florentina Craciunflorentina.craciun@sfgov.org
3150 California Street2021-001922ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
SFO Plot 10F Demolition and Paving and Cargo Building 6622022-003521ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
2022 Hotel Conversion Ordinance Amendments, Definition of Tourist or Transient Use; Amortization Period2020-005491ENV San Francisco Board of Supervisors, File No. 220815
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Joy NavarreteCPC.HCONegDec@sfgov.org
Transbay Terminal/Caltrain Downtown Extension/Redevelopment Project2000.048E 2018-015785ENV 2021-008560ENV For project status, updates and all review documents:
Transbay Project (OCII)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
301 Mission Street2018-016691ENV Newspaper Ad (11/20/19)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Kei Zushikei.zushi@sfgov.org
San Francisco 2004 and 2009 Housing Element2016-004042ENV 2015-005350ENV 2014.1327E 2014.1304E 2007.1275E 2020-003277ENV 2021-006636ENV 2021-011284ENV 2021-006260ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
Laguna Honda Main Hospital Renovations: Wings M & O2020-007642EIA 2000.005E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Ryan Shumryan.shum@sfgov.org
1010V Mission Street2020-005514ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
San Francisco Market Project (formerly SF Produce Mart)2009.1153ENV-03
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Liz Whiteelizabeth.white@sfgov.org
Safety and Resilience Element 2018-004217ENV 2011.1401E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
1196 Columbus Avenue2020-006679ENV / 2014-002849ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Josh Pollakjosh.pollak@sfgov.org
2629 Taylor Street2019-014334ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Lauren Bihllauren.bihl@sfgov.org
One Oak Street Project (1500-1540 Market Street)2009.0159ENV 2009.0159ENV-03
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
San Francisco Fire Department Training Facility - 1236 Carroll Avenue2021-004847ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
2055 Chestnut Street2018-009081ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Sherie Georgesherie.george@sfgov.org
PG&E Power Asset Acquisition Project2019-017272ENV
The July 28, 2022 hearing on appeals of the PMND scheduled for the Planning Commission will be canceled; an environmental impact report will be prepared.
Please note extended Comment Period to 03/07/2022.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Julie MooreCPC.PGEPowerAssetMND@sfgov.org
Portsmouth Square Improvement Project (733 Kearny Street)2018-013597ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Megan CalpinCPC.PortsmouthSquareEIR@sfgov.org
530 Sansome Street2019-017481ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Alana Callagyalana.callagy@sfgov.org
770 Woolsey Street2017-012086ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jenny Delumojenny.delumo@sfgov.org
Pier 70 Mixed-Use District Project2014-001272ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Josh Pollakjosh.pollak@sfgov.org
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power Transmission Lines 7/8 Upgrade Project2020-007415ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
1200 Van Ness Avenue2015-012577ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
1525 Pine Street2015-009955ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue2018-002951ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Kei Zushikei.zushi@sfgov.org
Better Streets Plan Project2007.1238E 2014.0060E 2021-003010ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Ryan Shumryan.shum@sfgov.org
Ferryboat Klamath – Pier 9 Addendum 3 to 34th America's Cup and James R. Herman Cruise Terminal and Northeast Wharf Plaza Projects Environmental Impact Report Case #: 2010.0349E2020-002891ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
San Francisco Housing Element 2022 Update2019-016230ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Elizabeth WhiteCPC.HousingElementUpdateEIR@sfgov.org
319 Bayshore Blvd2018-016571ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Ryan Shumryan.shum@sfgov.org
SFO West Field Cargo Redevelopment2020-008656ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Tania Sheynertania.sheyner@sfgov.org
SFO Consolidated Administration Campus2019-006583ETM
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jennifer Barbour McKellarjennifer.mckellar@sfgov.org
U.S. Army Corps Ocean Beach Nourishment2020·009324ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Julie Moorejulie.moore@sfgov.org
PG&E Line 101 ILI Upgrade and Lomita Park Regulator Station Rebuild – San Mateo County2013.0522ENA
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
550 O'Farrell Street2017-004557ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jennifer McKellarCPC.550OFarrellStEIR@sfgov.org
San Francisco Botanical Gardens Nursery Project –1199 9th Ave2008.0845ENA
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Benjamin Lambbenjamin.lamb@sfgov.org
Significant Natural Resource Areas Management Plan2005.0912E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Megan Calpinmegan.calpin@sfgov.org
1580 Pacific Avenue / 2030 Polk Street2018-008259ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Debra Dwyerdebra.dwyer@sfgov.org
Southeast Bay Outfall Islais Creek Crossing Replacement Project2016‐011136ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Julie Moorejulie.moore@sfgov.org
Better Market Street Project2014.0012E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jenny Delumojenny.delumo@sfgov.org
901 16th Street and 1200 17th Street - Permanent Off-Site Flower Mart Project2011.1300E 2011.1300EIA
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Alana Callagyalana.callagy@sfgov.org
Calaveras Dam Replacement Project2005.0161E 2005.0161EIA-02
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
447 Battery Street2014.1036E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
Potrero Power Station Mixed-use Project - 1201A Illinois Street2017-011878ENV Project webpage
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of ExemptionAvailability of Notice of Preparation of Environmental Impact Report Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and Notice of a Public Scoping Meeting Notice of Public Hearing and Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report Draft Environmental Impact Report - Volume 1 Draft Environmental Impact Report - Volume 2 Appendix A - Notice of Preparation and Scoping Comments Appendix B - Initial Study Appendix C - Transportation Supporting Information Appendix D - Noise Analysis Supporting Information Appendix E - Air Quality Supporting Information Appendix F - Wind and Shadow Supporting Information Appendix G - Biological Resources Supporting Information Appendix H - Water Supply Assessment Appendix I - HRE (Part I and Part II) and HRER Potrero Power Station project webpage Environmental Leadership Development Project (ELDP) Notice (10/17/18) Responses to Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report Volume 3 Appendix C1 - Supplemental Traffic Analysis Appendix E1 - Supplemental Air Quality Supporting Information Appendix F1 - Supplemental Wind And Shadow Supporting Information Appendix H1 - Updated Water Supply Assessment Appendix J - DRAFT EIR Comment Letters Appendix K - DRAFT EIR Hearing Transcript MMRP Notice of Determination Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) - Volume 1 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) - Volume 2 Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) - Volume 3 Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix A Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix B Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix C FEIR, Appendix C1 Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix D Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix E FEIR, Appendix E1 Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix F FEIR, Appendix F1 Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix G Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix H FEIR, Appendix H1 Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix I Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix J Final Environmental Impact Report, Appendix K Addendum to an Environmental Impact Report Notice of Determination
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
Balboa Reservoir Project2018-007883ENV Project webpage
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
1125 Market Street Project2013.0511E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Alana Callagyalana.callagy@sfgov.org
2214 Cayuga Avenue2016-012135ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jennifer McKellarjennifer.mckellar@sfgov.org
Golden State Warriors Event Center and Mixed-Use Development at Mission Bay Blocks 29-322014.1441E Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) website
(project approvals, resolutions and background materials)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption & Area Plan Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)
Joy Navarretejoy.navarrete@sfgov.org
10 South Van Ness Avenue2015-004568ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
San Francisco International Airport (SFO) San Francisco Garter Snake Recovery Action Plan 2019 to 20292008.0498ENA
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Kei Zushikei.zushi@sfgov.org
2417 Green Street2017-002545ENV
NOTE: the PMND appeal hearing is proposed for continuance to September 19, 2019.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
554 Fillmore Project2018-001788ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
David Youngdavid.l.young@sfgov.org
Seawall Lot 337 and Pier 48 Mixed-Use Project2013.0208ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Tania Sheynertania.sheyner@sfgov.org
SFPUC Alameda Creek Recapture Project2015-004827ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Chris Kernchris.kern@sfgov.org
853 Jamestown Avenue2019-002743ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Michael Li or Joy Navarretemichael.j.li@sfgov.org
3700 California Street2017-003559ENV Note: A hearing before the Planning Commission for certification of the EIR is scheduled for Thursday, February 27, 2020.
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Jeanie Polingjeanie.poling@sfgov.org
3516 and 3526 Folsom Street2013.1383ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Josh Pollakjosh.pollak@sfgov.org
2019 Health Care Services Master Plan Update2016-003164ENA
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
Hunter's View Redevelopment2007.0168EIA
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
Hunters View (227-229 West Point Road)2007.0168EIA
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Rachel Schuettrachel.schuett@sfgov.org
Academy of Art University Project2008.0586E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Ryan Shumryan.shum@sfgov.org
1300 Columbus Avenue2017-005154ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Megan Calpinmegan.calpin@sfgov.org
SFPUC Mountain Tunnel Improvement Project2017-014249ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
900 7th Street Mixed-Use Project2018-011976ENV Newspaper Ad (11/13/19)
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Josh Pollakjosh.pollak@sfgov.org
65 Ocean Avenue2016-006860ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Micheal Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
Southeast Plant Headworks Replacement Project2015-006224ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Julie Moorejulie.moore@sfgov.org
5 Third Street2016-007303ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Josh Pollakjosh.pollak@sfgov.org
1351 42nd Avenue2018-015768ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Sherie Georgesherie.george@sfgov.org
88 Bluxome Street and Bay Club SF Tennis Interim Site Project2015-012490ENV Correction: on June 19, 2019 the Planning Department published a newspaper ad which incorrectly stated that there is a 30-day period for public comments and/or appeals of the determination that no environmental impact report (EIR) is required for the Bay Club SF Tennis Interim Site component of the proposed project. Pursuant to Administrative Code section 31.16 the public comment and appeal period is 20 days from the date of publication (until 5:00 p.m. on July 9, 2019).
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & General Plan, Community Plan and Infill Evaluations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Daniel Wudaniel.wu@sfgov.org
Project-Level Review of Sharrows. Bicycle Racks on Sidewalks, and On-Street Bicycle Parking (Bicycle Corrals)2007.0347E 2007.0347ENV-15
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative DeclarationsAddendum to San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR – 5th Street Improvement Project Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR Modified Long Term Improvement L-8 Golden Gate Avenue Bike Lanes and Road Diet – Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR Second Street Improvement Project – Addendum to the SEIR Second Street Improvement Project – Notice of Availability of a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Supplement to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan EIR Second Street Improvement Project – Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Supplement to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan EIR Second Street Improvement Project – Draft SEIR Appendices Second Street Improvement Project – Responses to Comments Great Highway and Point Lobos Avenue Bicycle Lanes Great Highway and Point Lobos Avenue Bicycle Lanes – Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR Great Highway and Point Lobos Avenue Bicycle Lanes – Addendum for Revised Modified Project Bayshore Boulevard Bicycle Lanes, Cesar Chavez Street to Silver Avenue, Modified Option 2 Bayshore Boulevard Bicycle Lanes, Cesar Chavez Street to Silver Avenue, Modified Option 2 – Addendum to the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Final EIR San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 1 San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 2 San Francisco Bicycle Plan ̶ Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 3 San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendix A San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendix B San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendix B (cont'd) San Francisco Bicycle Plan – Final Environmental Impact Report, Volume 4, Appendices C-F
Ryan Shumryan.shum@sfgov.org
Central Subway1996.281E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Christopher Espirituchristopher.espiritu@sfgov.org
SFO Recommended Airport Development Plan2017-007468ENV Public scoping meetings:
Thursday, May 30, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. – event details and location
Tuesday, June 4, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. – event details and location
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
5400 Geary Boulevard2004.0482E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
Mission Bay Ferry Landing and Water Taxi Landing2017-008824ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Josh Pollakjosh.pollak@sfgov.org
0 The Embarcadero/ Pier 22½ Fire Boat Headquarters2012.0893E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Christopher Thomaschristopher.thomas@sfgov.org
SFPUC Reliable Power Project2016-006868ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
915 Cayuga Avenue 2016-013850ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Julie Moorejulie.moore@sfgov.org
1001 Van Ness Avenue2014-1305ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Megan Calpinmegan.calpin@sfgov.org
159 & 161 Charter Oak Avenue2016-011043ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jennifer McKellarjennifer.mckellar@sfgov.org
PG&E Gas Transmission Line 109 Cañada Road, Bunker Hill, and Crystal Springs Pipeline Replacement Project San Mateo County2013.1761E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Sally Morgansally.morgan@sfgov.org
Seawall Lots 323 & 324 Hotel and Theater2015-016326ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Laura Lynchlaura.lynch@sfgov.org
271 Upper Terrace, 301 - 303 Upper Terrace, and 4500 17th Street2015-004297ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations & Notices of Determination and Notices of Exemption
Alana Callagyalana.callagy@sfgov.org
611 Jones Street2015‐016243ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jennifer McKellarjennifer.mckellar@sfgov.org
Public Works - JCDecaux Kiosk & Automatic Toilet Replacement Project2017-009220ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Chelsea Fordhamchelsea.fordham@sfgov.org
India Basin Mixed-use Project2014-002541ENV entails the 700 Innes Avenue, 900 Innes Avenue, India Basin Shoreline Park, and India Basin Open Space locations
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Michael Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
150 Eureka Street Project2015-011274ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Joy Navarretejoy.navarrete@sfgov.org
807 Franklin Street/635 Fulton Street2017-007542ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jeanie PolingJeanie.poling@sfgov.org
940 Battery Street2015-001033ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Jennifer McKellarJennifer.McKellar@sfgov.org
1629 Market Street Mixed-Use Project2015-005848ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Don Lewisdon.lewis@sfgov.org
Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrade Project2011.0123E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Chelsea Fordhamchelsea.fordham@sfgov.org
1500 Mission Street2014-000362ENV
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Micheal Limichael.j.li@sfgov.org
Sunol Long Term Improvements Project2012.0054E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
San Francisco Westside Recycled Water Project2008.0091E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
Little Yosemite Fish Passage Project2014.0956E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Steve Smithpic@sfgov.org
Pacific Rod and Gun Club Upland Soil Remedial Action Project2013.1220E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
1481 Post Street/ 1333 Gough Street2005.0679E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery Project2008.1396E Responses to Comments
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
San Francisco Ground Water Supply Project2008.1122E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
San Joaquin Valley Communication System Upgrade Project2012.0183E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Steve Smithpic@sfgov.org
706 Mission Street – The Mexican Museum and Residential Tower Project2008.1084E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Debra Dwyerdebra.dwyer@sfgov.org
SFPUC Calaveras Dam Replacement Project2005.0161E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Timothy Johnstontimothy.johnston@sfgov.org
SFPUC Water System Improvement Program Final Program Environmental Impact Report2005.0159E
Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations
Julie Moorejulie.moore@sfgov.org